
The esoteric books, while not a complete waste of time, seem designed to tie up the time of people that could be more productively used somewhere else.
I checked out at all the god names, I mean, who really cares?
They do show what the 'elites' of a long time ago were thinking as they set up the world we live in today.

The others are pretty straight forward.
The only way to know what is in them is to read them.
You will have to separate your own wheat from the chaff.
As do we all.
Or, remain one that doesn't know.
Up to you.

Personally I've been researching and creating philosophical theory about individualistic anarchy, solipsism, egoism, etc., for a while, and I like to read condensed information about things, because, as you say, I will otherweise have to spend a long time trying to separate all wheat from chaff, and it can get tedious when your effort is elsewhere.

And I don't consider myself "one that doesn't know". I know a lot. I just don't feel like spending hours reading something just to find out I have no use for it. :) That is why summaries, abstracts, syntheses, etc., are useful! There are millions of books out there!

Yes, but only one way to know for yourself.
If you get your data second hand, you subject it to interpretation.
I realize that there is no time to read it all, so I try to keep things succinct, but textbooks are hard to condense.
Unlike the esoterics, those I would recommend skimming over all the names and not wasting too much energy keeping them all straight, but that could be the wrong strategy.
The only way to be certain for yourself is to read them, in my experience.

Look at what folks say about L. Ron Hubbard.
Not all of them are wrong, but neither is what he wrote all wrong, either.
If you take it on the word of somebody else you are getting cheated out of a technology that is both powerful and useful on a daily basis.

Good luck getting somebody that gave their life's savings to find out that all their problems originate within themselves and that others can't make the changes for them to give a good review on that outcome.
However, I read the books and am much more in contact with the actual reality around me.
The illusions of the matrix don't control me as they did.

Makes sense that the control freaks don't want folks reading anything that results in that.