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RE: Manifesting The Village: Introducing My Newest Article Series

in #anarchy4 years ago

nice to see you writing about this kenny! there is a ton to think about when planning ecoVillages, and Hive is SUCH a great way to journel and collect your thoughts..

My vision for ecoVillages has changed dramatically recently from co-owned community land.. Now my plan is to build first on our own small plot, learn and nail the design and then facilitate others to come and get cheap land of their own nearby and help them build.. I like it how everyone has true security and ownership, and are not living under each others noses..

There were always SO many issues and questions around a 'centralised' community that i struggled with.. in particular with people who were acting up and may have to be asked to leave..

SO, i look forward to reading how your vision unfolds.. Very good to see so many people thinking and working down this route now.. its time right! is it ever!
