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RE: A Friendly Message to the Steemit Anarchist Community

in #anarchy8 years ago (edited)

You said "Only ONE religion worries you", and then you mentioned how you see your own religion as valid and good?

Tsk tsk. What a troublesome world this is. Humans are so strange.

How can you go and tell me that your religion is good and just, because it teaches meekness and humility, but then another religion teaches the same concepts using different words, and you say it's wrong?

That's simply silly. Look in a mirror.

Next you'll tell me that the USA military is justified, but all others are not?
Or that you by default are the "good guys", and anyone who opposes you are the "bad guys"?

You humans are simply troublesome. The moment you realize where I'm coming from, you'll probably instantly purge your stomach, because woah, the things you say are just absurd.

I mean really, "Jesus taught good things", "Islam teaches bad things". Is that really what you think?

Religion is absolutely foul, and as long as you believe in authority, be it a made-up god, or a government, you are tamed.

Tamed, not coerced.


You said "Only ONE religion worries you", and then you mentioned how you see your own religion as valid and good?

How many suicide bombings occur on a weekly basis tied to ISIS or Islamic adherents to Sharia? I haven't heard any in the news recently and I pay attention. I can pick a BUNCH of cities that have had innocent blood spilled by the Sharia Pushes.

You humans are simply troublesome. The moment you realize where I'm coming from, you'll probably instantly purge your stomach, because woah, the things you say are just absurd.

This is just getting to be an antagonistic foray into some thinly veiled ad hominem attacks.

You don't see me forcing my religious beliefs on your personally, but you have an entirely closed off mind to my ARGUMENTS due to your disgust of my religious beliefs.

Who do you propose I am "tamed" by? And what exactly am I tamed from? Would you prefer I throw some rocks and molotov cocktails at police officers to prove a point?

My counter-point to your philosophy: as long as you despise your subjective view of what is defined as 'authority', you will always tend towards being your own 'god', and I would not trust you to lead me into anything since you sound the opposite of self-less.

Just my opinion since the door of personal judgement was opened by you.
