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RE: Tear-Gassing Children (It's Bad)

in #anarchy6 years ago

From the deep south, the word correct, truthful news is claiming the marchers approaching the Southern borders are leaving their homes because they have no food, the USA has food, lets go there. they cant shoot all of us.

if 10% for a number, of the excess crop was sent there, free, delivered by USAF C130s , issued by the US Army, or Marines, so that everybody gets the same ration, people wouldn't have to march anywhere, no teargas, no outrageous front page news.

the cost would be covered by the less amount of USAF and Army involved in manning the borders. no great expense in razor wire, posts etc

there would be a lack of graft, it is food being given direct to the people, not money for the locals to pocket.


That level of "charity" fails on two fronts. First, it robs the taxpayers and skews the market prices here, and then it wipes out any attempts to start a successful agricultural economy there. Interventionism always has unintended consequences.

Meanwhile, immigration is still not fundamentally a problem in the first place.