
Depends on the source of the distress.
If it's coercion, then its involuntary and I have a problem with it.

this guy is beyond repairing. he is trolling my posts now. I like it though. He inspires me to reply to his illness and make a post out of it. The more stupid statists make themselves look, the better for freedom it is:


almost well done... but when you have this rational thought, don't get a shortcut in your neurons and don't turn it into sarcasm, based on your beliefs. I just promise to not want to control your life and ask you to return the favor. Can you? It's like you were taught everything the other way around as a joke....

Sweetie, please explain what makes you an anarchist? Why do you think telling you to shut up when in my opinion you talk insanity and pollute my blog, is wanting to control you and not expressing my freedom to not be around people I do not respect for their insane views? You do not deserve a place in my life and I do not want you in it. Please let go and stop your quest for proving something that cannot be proven. It is my freedom to choose. As I mentioned a few times, you are not immortal and higher form will evolve from you. I consider voluntaryists to be of higher value to peaceful society, which I want. You in my opinion refuse to grow, therefore will need to extinct to make room for more evolved beings. It is nature. Weak gene dies so the improved one can thrive. It is survival of the species. I did not invent it. Call pacha mama and tell her she a dumb moron. I wish for NAP or golden rule to be the only law, which comes from nature. It is not invented and imposed on anyone. If anyone should try to impose anything on me or others, I will defend. Other man-made laws are imposed on me until I say I do want them. If I do they are not laws anymore but rules agreed on voluntarily through consensus. You do not understand what consensus is because you think I give my consent to be governed because I do not give my consent to be governed... I am telling you I do not. You also think I give my consent when I do not say I do not want something and it is moral to do immoral things to me because I did not say I didn't want them. In this case a sniper can shoot me anytime because I had no chance to protest. What you are saying proves you are insane. No matter how much you will try, it will not change that I just told you this... on many ocassions. I will say it again. I do not consent. There. There is no magic in this universe that can turn this statement into the opposite, no matter what you believe in. This is the point you cannot get. If you believe in declaration of... whatever... it does not mean it applies to me. Only when I say so. Telling me what is good for me, what I should want and if I disagree, you think I don't get it and for my own good you are trying to force me through some papers signed by some stranger 300 years ago... I don't even want to hear about... all this is what makes you a statist

  1. Do you think it is moral to vote for a stranger, who promised to do what you want and he will hurt me if I do not obey his imposed authority, that I did not choose, want, nor recognize? Should I be able to decide about my life? Subscribe and unsubscribe to ideas that influence my life?

  2. Is it ethical for you to force me to pay for being controlled by a stranger, that you chose to write laws, you want me to be a subject of, when I expressed very clearly, I do not want to be a part of my life?

  3. If you don't believe that voluntary interaction are enough to create rules for a society, what are the instances in which state violence should be used against you?

  4. What things should you be forced to pay for that you don't want to pay for?

  5. What decisions should you be forced to make that you otherwise would not?

  6. What projects would you be willing to pick up a gun and go to your neighbors house to force him to donate to?

  7. Where/when did a group of individuals come to a consensus about how society is run?

  8. Why do you think a majority discriminating a minority (democracy) is civilized?

  9. Why involuntary participation in your opinion is better than voluntary participation?

  10. If a stranger disagrees with the way I choose to govern myself, while not harming anyone, why should I obey the stranger's worldview?

Good bye troll. You will be ignored from now on. It is my own fault I fed you, but you helped me to understand a few things and inspired a few posts. There is no point trying in some cases. A fish will never climb trees. Thanks