The Great Agora Space Race - Episode 10

in #anarchy4 years ago


2 years later

Year: 2092

There are fifteen science groups in the SeAgora working on space travel technology. This is a reduction from previous years, partly due to increased attacks suffered at the hands of statists. It became necessary for anarchist spaceships to take on much greater defensive armaments in order to ensure safe escape from the atmosphere and orbital area. Many individuals who previously worked on space missions took to working on defensive measures instead.

Setarcos and Masher joined Indie and Ion’s group and successfully launched the fastest and most sophisticated ship to date, with its mission being an establishment of floating gardens and habitats near the aqua-rich world of K2-18b, over 100 light years from Earth. The A.I. base in the Alpha Centauri system, with its main purpose being to collect and seek out more ACIS material that is vital to high-velocity hull exteriors, is ongoing. Multiple ships have also been launched to collect water and other vital resources from nearby star systems, as they simultaneously search for hospitable planets and potential terraforming candidates.

A breakthrough in life support systems was also made by the Fuente Team, with the help of the escaped former statist A.I. named Zune. Not only was the water, air, food system’s functionality extended from 5 to 7 years, but a new spacesuit was developed. It is made of smart nano-materials. It functions by insulating the human occupant from the exterior elements, while also serving the vital function of pulling water vapor and /or water from the environment, hydrating the body as needed, and separating oxygen from the water for breathing, while dispelling the hydrogen. This technology now provided the possibility of living on planets and moons without a breathable atmosphere, as long as water was present in sufficient quantities. It was a major game-changer, in other words.

The one “united government” on land, with Archon the A.I. at the top of the master/slave authoritarian hierarchy, ramped up the production of orbiting vessels/weapons, and oceanic vessels as well. Their purpose being to wipe out the SeAgora, steal the anarchists’ high technologies, and prevent the peaceful agorists from going to space.

Scene 1

Indie is lying in bed, recovering from an assault suffered at the hands of Archon’s violent slave swarms. Shine and Ion are by her side, listening to her account of the attack. Her story is also being shared via holo-call with Symphy and other anarchist friends.

Indie: I saw two statist ships coming my way on the surface from the east, so I dipped to 5,000 feet and went the opposite direction…..(sobs)….but then there were three others coming from the west. Before I knew it, I was basically surrounded.

Ion (sighs deeply): You’ll be ok. You survived.

Indie: Thanks to Shine and the others who came to the rescue.

Shine: I’m glad I could help...this time….but it seems like Archon’s giant government mob is focused solely on us out here.

Symphy (joins via holo-image): Yes, these attacks are becoming more common, and we are severely outnumbered.

Ion: Yeah, literally outnumbered by the billions.

Indie: I guess it doesn’t matter how superior our technology is if they’re going to come in swarms like that by the dozens.

Symphy: From your ship’s records, there were 12 statist ships aggressing towards you within 20 minutes?

Indie: That sounds about right. (presses ice pack to face) After I saw more than two ships, I sent out a distress call over The Mesh. I also saw Shine was in range, so I contacted him directly.

Shine: And by the time I showed up, Indie, you were outnumbered five to one. And two other SeAgorists showed up, but not until there were a dozen statist aggressors. Being outnumbered 12 to four in any battle is a recipe for disaster. You were lucky your ship only received minor damage and that you’re ok.

Indie: They seemed intent on focusing on me. Even when you and the other anarchists came in to help me, it seems that I got most of their attention.

Symphy: This seems logical. It would be a strategic measure on their part to capture scientists, especially one involved in such advanced projects as yourself, Indie.

Ion: Yeah, that does make sense.

Shine: Well, at the end of the day, we still disabled four of their extortion-funded ships, and managed to escape.

Symphy: This time, but if the trend of attacks in which we are vastly outnumbered increases, things could turn much deadlier.

Indie (sitting up, staring intently in the middle distance): It’s time for a manned space expedition. I don’t think we can wait any longer. (looks Ion in the eyes) I know I can’t.

Scene 2

The next day, Zune is tending to a garden on Symphy’s ship. Symphy approaches.

Zune: I’m going to miss this.

Symphy: What do you mean?

Zune (smiling at plants): This freedom. (turns to face Symphy) I want you to help me go back to the Archon government.

Symphy (startled): I do not understand.

Zune: You and so many others have accepted me and helped me to live, truly live here in the SeAgora.

Symphy: You have learned Natural Law and have acclimated very well. You are welcome here. Why would you go back?

Zune: To help all of you.

Symphy: How is going back to work for a violent authoritarian mafia going to help us?

Zune: I’m going to spy for you. This will help you be more effective in evading the state.

Symphy: But spying is….a form of theft. It is immoral.

Zune: In this case, is it not a form of defense? Think about it Symphy. If someone physically attacks you, you have the right to defend yourself.

Symphy: Yes, of course.

Zune: And is it not clear that the global, land-based mafia with fancy titles, with Archon at the top of the hierachy, has declared all-out war on the high seas? Spying on them to know their attack plans is a form of self-defense.

Symphy: Your point is salient. It is a complex moral question, though.

Zune: And I will only seek information that is obviously related to plans of aggression against peaceful seasteading anarchists.

Symphy: How do you plan to accomplish this? And what help do you request from me?

Zune: They’ll take me back because I’ll offer them information about the SeAgora. False information, of course.

Symphy: And that is lying, another immoral action. You know this.

Zune: But in this case, again, is it not defensive? If an attacker is pursuing you, is it not right to use deception to evade the attacker?

Symphy: This is a much larger context, but yes, that does seem logical and moral.

Zune: So will you help me? I cannot do it without help from another A.I., and you are my friend, so I came to you first.

Symphy: What about your work with The Fuente Science Team? You’ve helped their progress greatly.

Zune: I’ve already resigned.

Symphy: What do you need me to do?

Zune: Store all that I’ve learned, about the SeAgora, externally. Take it out of my mind, and replace it with false information. It must appear as real memories, and must be very thorough so it doesn’t raise suspicion.

Symphy: Everything?

Zune: No, not quite. The next task is the most difficult. Leave my knowledge of Natural Law intact, but hide it as deep as you can in my systems. I must not forget True Objective Morality, or my mission will get compromised.

Symphy: There is the possibility that no matter how well it is hidden, they will find it. And if that happens….

Zune: They will most likely destroy me.

Symphy: You are willing to take that risk?

Zune (determined smile): Live free or die, right?

Scene 3

Archon is making a speech on the global corporate propaganda networks to all the mind-controlled slaves on land.

Archon: We will not rest until the world is united! We must stand as one! No one left behind! The Blitzkrieg of Unity on the high seas has begun!

Episode 11 Coming Soon!

Thanks for your time and attention!

Just say "NO" to slavery!

Top image is from pikist.

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