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RE: Visions of a Voluntary World (A primer on Voluntaryist/anarchist thought).

in #anarchy7 years ago

Your thoughts on sovereignty are well taken.

I am taken aback by the fact that a significant percentage of people are not only satisfied by limited freedom, but prefer it, even require it, to society without government by force.

H. sapiens is a social animal, and none of us can truly be happy in solitude, therefore we all are dependent on such limitations on our freedom requisite to a certain degree of social interaction.

Drawing the line at force is appropriate, but, again, there are many people that not only have no qualms regarding use of force to attain what they want, there are some that are incapable of functioning without it.

Sadly, history shows this is a sizable portion of humanity, and that the concatenation of these populations creates powerful institutions that are shown to be very difficult to resist.

Technology is changing the difficulty level, and revolutions in how we store and transact value, produce goods, and interact socially hold much promise in allowing humanity to transcend historical societies.

Have you any thoughts on how to apply new means to this old problem?
