
in #anatomy6 years ago

What is anatomy? Most people tend to ask me what we do and am like hey it's anatomy but it all has to do with study the structures of the human body in relation to their functions. Some say we study to dead to understand the living, i say we study both. There are various branches of anatomy; gross, embryology and histology. These are the main branches tho. I know you know these already but there is a branch called and anthropology and bio mechanics which has helped in solving a lot of human problems and the best part of it to me is dermatoglyphics.
It sounds complicated but it's not, it is just about studying epidermal ridges(fingerprints) of the hands and feet. It can be used to detect cancer, determine the intelligence of a child and the best part is, it can be used to diagnose some problems with the brain without surgery.images(1).jpgimages.jpg