Android Optimization

in #androidlast month (edited)


A phone app doesnt do much 99% of the time other than display static content in a known fixed UI that runs on top of a highly optimised native GUI framework. some middleware handling even just a few dozen servers will do so all cached in memory
mobile OS are pretty impressive with how well they optimise memory compared to enterprise servers, im not saying they're not optimised as well just optimised differently The reality is you can scale a web infrastructure up whereas not a phone
so the "solution" is "buy more aws credits lol"
which is also kinda true with phones, the solution to running modern apps is to buy a new and better phone. Although as web services tend to scale bigger apps are mostly pretty basic and so we kinda hit "peak" core performance needs a while back outside of games and such
but like facebook, insta, tiktok, reddit, etc are all such basic apps at the core. The worse programming i have ever seen, resources wise was in a game called Dual Universe.
dont know if you guys know it. so they had this "screen" elements you could put in ships that were html enabled.
Allowing for css, svg, html, and a bunch of other stuff except java script.

I have so many stories with that game development......

at that time, they were trying to fix their home made UDP protocol because it was losing packages. making huge de-syncs and server crashes.

3 years later, on the eve of beta, they were still sinking most of the budget to fix the home made UDP protocol.......

At that time i made a post explaining how UDP worked and how UDP could not offer any protection against data overflow in case of near 100% CPU, unlike TCP did.
I even draw diagrams.

And i ask them, why don't they just buy a already existent UDP protocol with flow control, since they clearly cant make one.

No reply except the zealots bashing me for "thinking i know how the game is programmed"

3 weeks later, new patch comes, and no more desyncs.
so i go on wireshark to look at the packages, and they started using minecraft's udp proto. lol


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