Tropical caterpillar

in #animal3 years ago

Hello dear readers.

Today I bring you a very green publication. Green is something that characterizes the tropics of South America, in this case I have photographed and made a small video of a caterpillar that is about to start making its chrysalis to finally become a beautiful butterfly.

Smells like May

Living in a country with only two seasons, one of drought and the other of rain, it seems that the climatic variations cannot be appreciated, but this is not entirely true. During the dry season the vegetation suffers a wear and tear and loses up to 70% of its greenish color to turn any view into a yellowish foliage, but when the rainy season begins a large number of animal and plant species begin to be reborn.

May is considered the month of flowers, which would be like a kind of spring but for 6 months. Flowers begin to appear in different plant species announcing the arrival of the rains and with it in a few months of rich fruits such as mango, banana or could also speak of the parchita or avocado fruits highly consumed by Venezuelans in this season.


Where I live at the moment there is a banana tree where a few days ago I found a caterpillar, at the beginning it was hard to appreciate it because the green color was confused with the green tone of the tree leaf.

green tone of the tree's leaf. Even so I did not think twice and made several captures and some videos of this curious animal that with insistent instinct was looking for the best place to prepare and make their chrysalises.


I am satisfied with the result. Not everyone has the joy of being able to see this kind of natural spectacle in their own home. Even more so considering large cities and the constant threat of Monsanto, which manipulates the life of plant ecosystems in such a way that it has specialized poisons to kill any insect and in turn contaminate us.


South America remains not only one of the most important plant lungs on the planet. It also represents one of the most important biodiversities of the planet with millions of insects and thousands of mammals living in harmony with the environment.

More adventures coming soon


What is this

It's a caterpillar! But I don't know what species it belongs to. I only know that it is very pretty

Do Caterpillars transmit parasites or diseases? Or are they completely defenceless?