March 20, 2023 - Hive Threeversary and The Third Wave & Lesson Plan.

in #anniversarylast year (edited)

Well yeah! Three Years of Hive! Three Years of Hiving! Three years since this whole new adventure began in a "social network" on the blockchain that rewards monetarily to its userbase for the creation of content. ¡A new celebration! A new reason to celebrate all its accomplished goals, achievements and accolades. ¡Happy Birthday Hive!

However, I am not here to write and say what many have already said and written about it. I'm not here to be reiterative. I'm not here to write an endless string of free praises, compliments, adulations and exaltations. I'm not here specifically to asskissing, bootlicking or show unlimited sycophancy or even indiscriminate psycoinfancy about this special event in order to attract a few easy and juicy upvotes from the opulents of the platform who blindly love such sort of praises, compliments, adulations and exaltations even if these doesn't sound entirely sincere.

No! I am here to raise awareness. I am here to say what nobody has said. I am here to make you think, meditate and reflect on what no one dares to mention. I am here to also describe, highlight and denounce what is also happening here and has been happening here throughout these three years of existence and which obviously also should be part of this celebration. I'm here to tell a few truths that no one says but need to be said.

Especially while may exist some stubborn toddlers and spoiled thugs, who supported by the opulents in this celebration, insist on pulling my shaved tongue and pushing me to say these things due to their sociopathic behavior and insistence on indiscriminately and arbitrarily robbing us of the product of our work, time and effort every week without any justification. You may «click» here to have a clue on who they are.

If they keep looking for me, then they must find me. As simple as that. As long as they insist on pulling my tongue, they will have to listen to what I have to say. ¿What else could they expect? ¿That I should have to launch fireworks at every celebration?

But hey, enough clarifications and let's get straight to the point. That this is a celebration and not a funeral neither a panegyric nor a eulogy. Although certain hidden realities in the blockchain might sound a bit like that. Then yeah, once said everything that has been said, then let's start creating awareness in this Threeversary.

For the purpose of my peculiar celebration, I will only share a handful of videos that I hope and aspire that these invite you to think, meditate and reflect on what massive community celebrations really mean when all the details that motivate and lead to these celebrations are actually unknown. Details that obviously you need to know well to perform a more accurate analysis of why and from where these celebrations originate.

Because certainly and more often than you can imagine, many of these community empowerment tactics and group celebrations are carried out as product of the surreptitious indoctrination and manipulation of others in power without us being really aware of it and to which everyone, absolutely everyone, we're all highly vulnerable staying exposed to these euphoric and ingenious maneuvers of our temporary and transient leaders. I really hope you can learn some useful lessons from these videos.

"Lesson Plan"

"Only in 5 days"

"The Third Wave"

"The Epilogue"

¡Final Conclusions!

Leave a comment. Share your experiences and feedback. ¡Be part of the conversation!


"Follows, Comments, Rehives & Upvotes will be highly appreciated"

Cranky Gandalf
