4 years on the chain

in #anniversary4 years ago

I actually hit the anniversary two weeks ago, but I was clutching my arm and moaning at the time ;>


Thanks to @hivebuzz for the badge!

  • If you read nothing else today, read this:

“If ye love wealth better than liberty, the tranquility of servitude better than the animating contest of freedom, go home from us in peace. We ask not your counsels or your arms.”

“Crouch down and lick the hands which feed you. May your chains set lightly upon you, and may posterity forget that ye were our countrymen.” ~ Samuel Adams
Status Update: Meet At The Old Mill, We Ride at Midnight…

  • I may have turned the corner on the pain; although I have been up all night after a 2am blast, it hasn't re-occurred yet. That is unusual and good. OTOH,I have thought this before and been nailed by a schedule change on the part of the fried nerve ;>

I started a medicine called gabapentin night before last; it's an anticonvulsant used to fight nueralpathic (sp?) pain. It normally takes 1 to 2 weeks to mitigate the pain, but I can hope, ne?

However, I have been beating the shit out of my arm with fire and ice...ice packs, icy hot, heating pad, and hot tub. I also started using a cervical pillow two nights ago, and that seems to be helping as well. I have been basically throwing everything I can read up on against the wall and hopefully something sticks.

I just want some damn sleep!


Hey congrats for the 4 years, what happened to your arm?

I think I have a pinched nerve; waiting on lab results. It's been about a month of very poor sleep.

Thanks for the gratz!

Ahh, sounds horrible to me....I have a weak stomach for things like these😫

Happy Hive Birthday @stevescoins

(Hope you will get better with your arm soon)


Feel better soon. You injured yourself often, it seems!

i think it's par for the course when you're fat and old like me!

Congrats on year 4 damn you an OG of the chain and you must have seen some wild rides and drama in those 4 years lol

Two highs:
The runup in price back in 17
The move to HIVE

The low:
Losing a $100 upvote during "the experiment"; I was still a plankton at the time...that payout would have multiplied my SP by a factor of 10, at least. I was pissed LOL

"The experiment" was conducted, on their own initiative, by some whales to check what would happen to the reward pool if all the bigger payouts were flagged, IIRC. It took place late 16 or early 17. It was not willfully particpated in by everyone LOL