
in #antshares7 years ago

China's Answer to eth. Very easy to build on compared to eth (supports almost all coding languages), Partnerships with Alibaba and microsoft, historically speaking Chinese gov't is always more likely to support chinese tech, fixed circulating supply of 50M Antshares (for now) and the total supply (ever) will be 100M, not mineable, does not use PoW OR PoS (they have their own thing called dBFT, which is supposedly more efficient than eth), and HUGE incentive to hold because, similarly to Eth's soon coming Proof-of-Stake (where holding eth will generate you more eth), Holding Antshares will generate you Antcoins every time a block is created/validated. So let's say you have 500 antshares, every time a block is validated you'll get X amount of Antcoins for every antshare you hold. Currently, those antcoins are NOT tradeable. Eventually, they will. Antcoins' purpose is to be the "gas" of the network, so it will definitely become valuable at one point. Overall great tech, easily adaptable, most likely to succeed in China (1.6B population), partnered with Tech Giant Microsoft and the world's biggest marketplace Alibaba, they have an accouncement on June 22nd at Microsoft's HQ and they'll be rebranding their website (hopefully to make it more accessible to the Western part of the world, which will get the West to invest in it too) as well as releasing their smart contract v2.0, and huge incentive to HODL. That's a winner in my book no matter how you look at it. Yes, there will most likely be pumps and dumps, but in the long term those who understand the tech behind it will definitely want to reap these Antcoins that are rewarded simply for hodling Antshares. I am still 70% ETH simply because I feel Eth and BTC are both the "stable" coins (in terms of maturity for BTC, and enterprise adoption and DAPPS for Eth). I hate gambling but my gut's telling me to put a bit in ANS because of all the reasons mentioned above, and this 30% in ANS at 1.8-3.5 a piece has generated some very interesting returns already :) If you're in it for the long term don't worry too much about trying to buy the dips, they might never come and it skyrockets to 15. Better buy now, lose maybe a dollar or two on each if there's a dip, but that's nothing compared to what'll be gained eventually if this thing takes off