
Good re-blog choice. Good night.

She's one of the most talented individuals to ever share their presence here on this newfangled contraption of ours.

I did sleep good, one of those rare nights I got more than 4 hours before waking for one reason or another.

I forgot to sleep. By the time I remembered, it was too late.

Thanks, buddy. Hope you're well. Things are going phenomenally well over here after a lot of deep work, along with a lot of health improvement. But the Steemit/Hive/Blockchain world was very good to me when I was in a challenging in between season, so I'm mostly posting for loyalty reasons! And I still like this little "backwoods of the internet" as I often call it.

"Phenomenally well." That's good news and I'm glad to hear it. And yeah, even though I'm not as active here as I once was, the place still gives me that at home feeling when I decide to emerge from trees and head into the forest. It's always nice to see old friends and familiar faces. This melting pot of humanity was always a great place to experiment with art and, thoughts; whatever comes to mind.

Absolutely. Crypto geeks (I guess I am one, too) are high on my list of people I tend to really like.

The crypto kids (that's what I call them, regardless of age) are cool, most days. Other days I just feel lost.