The Lord of the Rings: The Two Towers & George W Bush

in #apx4 years ago (edited)

APX George W Bush 3050 Lord of the Rings The Two Towers.jpg

What is reality and what is fiction? Researching time magic blurs the line between those two concepts. So you are probably not surprised anymore, to learn that the most successful book after the bibel, J.R.R. Tolkien's fantasy epos The Lord of the Rings, fits the narrative of symbolism, numerology, gematria and time riddles. Today, we are merely looking at a small aspect of it, but there is so much more. There is always more.

The Lord of the Rings and 9/11

The Lord of the Rings original book covers.jpg

Remember how the amazing movies came out between 2001 and 2003, right in the shadow of 9/11? Remember how the title of the second book/movie even is "The Two Towers"?

The Two Towers: Released on 11:11

Tolkien has picked a marvelous day for the publication of "The Two Towers": it was 11/11/1954. Wow, the 11:11 number for the two towers seems like no accident to me, since two towers literally resemble the number eleven. Just like the Twin Towers in New York did, who fell on 9/11. And the golden ratio cut of the book of revelation, Rev. 9:11, talks about KING Abaddon coming out of the bottomless pit. Just like the third book is called "The Return of the King".

The Two Towers & Golden Gate Bridge

That being said, we shouldn't be surprised, that the Golden Gate Bridge, symbol of the celestial gate of Osiris, the central black hole of the Milky Way, was opened exactly 911 weeks before The Two Towers book was released.

From Golden Gate Bridge opening to The Lord of the Rings The Two Towers book release are 911w.PNG

The Two Towers to The Return of the King

And the time from the release of the second book, to the relase of the third book, "The Return of the King", was exactly 11 months and 9 days.

From The Lord of the Rings The Two Towers book release to The Return of the King book release are 11m 9d 119.PNG

World War II to The Two Towers

From the end of World War II to The Two Towers release are 110 months and 9 days. Another 911 and also a 110 - just like the 110 floors of The Two Towers the Twin Towers.

From end of World War II to The Lord of the Rings The Two Towers book release are 110m 9d 1109, 119.PNG

This World War II connection is important, because Tolkien actually DIED on the anniversary of the second World War, exactly 28 years later. 28 is the second perfect number but also hides a masterful number riddle: It can be expressed as 10,227 days. First of all, that number includes a sacred 227 (22:7 equals 3.14 and hence is a Pi/circle reference - like a ring!). But what really fascinates, is the distance to the perfect 11,000 days: exactly 773 days. That is the 137th prime number, which on its own is the 33rd prime number - for a super 33° freemasonic riddle.

From end of World War II to Tolkien death are 28y.PNGFrom end of World War II to Tolkien death are 10227d leaving 773d to 11k.PNG

George H W Bush to The Two Towers

George Herbert Walker Bush, who laid the foundation for his son and the mega-ritual that 9/11 was, was born 11109 days before "The Two Towers" were published, hiding yet another 911. But even crazier, that was a span of 11110 days - a 11:11 with the divine addition of a zero, to make it even more significant.

From George H W Bush birth to The Lord of the Rings The Two Towers book release are 11109d.PNGFrom George H W Bush birth to The Lord of the Rings The Two Towers book release are 11110d.PNG

The same time from George H W Bush's birth to The Two Towers release can be expressed as a span of exactly 365 months. That is a time number, symbolizing the sun year. Probably one of Osiris' favorite numbers...

From George H W Bush birth to The Lord of the Rings The Two Towers book release are 365m.PNG

George W Bush to The Two Towers

That brings us to his son, George W. Bush, who was the active US president during the September Eleven attacks and who was sitting that morning in a class room reading "Pet Goat", while the children recited the words "plane", "must", "hit", "steel". Just a coincidence, right?

Well, Bush jr. was born exactly 3050 days before "The Lord of the Rings: The Two Towers" book was released.

From George W Bush birth to The Lord of the Rings The Two Towers book release are 3050d.PNG

Totally coincidentally the very same number of "The Lord of the Rings: The Two Towers" in the Jewish gematria cipher, the most mysterious gematria cipher in my entire research.

3050 The Lord of the Rings  The Two Towers.PNG

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Stay tuned for how Donald Trump fits into the picture.