
The strong multi-symbolic archetype of the Pleiades functions as a worldwide astromythological system going back to Upper Palaeolithic Era. The Greek version of the myth seems to embody a wide range of environmental symbolism, as it incorporates various information and very archaic elements about: a) the periodicity of the solstices and the equinoxes, b) the fluctuations on the biochemical structure of Earth’s atmosphere related to the global hydro-climatic phenomenon of ENSO, c) probable past observations of brightening of a star (nova) in the cluster of Pleiades, d) the primordial elements of the mythological nucleus of Atlantis’ legend and e) the remnants of Palaeolithic ‘proto-European’ moon culture.

The Archaeology of Natural Disasters
a) defines the identity, the impact and the dynamics of natural hazards into the evolution of human
civilization (biological, ecological, environmental, socio-economic, political, technological, geographical and cultural results),
b) tries to find and analyze the kinds, frequency and magnitude of natural hazards that are hidden in the "archaeological landscapes",
c) searches for the adaptation process in past human societies and the "unfamiliar landscapes" formed after natural disasters.
On the other hand, the major task in studying the ancient myths is to realize the realms of various human mental areas and distinguish between allegory/ metaphor and imagination, analogy and reason, folklore tale and legend, fiction/fantasy and fallacy/lie, dream scientific hypothesis and the truth. In ancient myths, there is an incredible storehouse of wisdom about human nature collected over centuries of observation. The myths are stories in which the surface structure is false, because things did not happen exactly that way, but the deep structure is true.
In fact, one of the most powerful symbols of all ancient mythologies, marker of the events recorded by the different cultures of the world with almost uncanny accuracy, the Pleiades, comprise one of the oldest known time capsule cryptogram. Furthermore, the Greek literature suggests strong associations with other ancient sources from all over the world. Pleiades are characterized as one of the most sacred astral systems. Let us begin this fascinating trip. Cave paintings, History, Poetry, Mythology, Astronomy, all Literature contains recurrent allusions to them ( Jobes and Jobes 1964).
