Feb. 21, 22: Routine, Teaching, Discord, TV, and Games

in #archon2 years ago


Not too bad tonight. Made it more or less nine to five and ended with about seven and a half solid hours. Been quite some time that I got a full eight, and I’m worried that it’s slowly going to catch up to me, but so far it hasn’t been too bad. 👍

Got up and did the usual morning routine. Still losing wicked amounts of money all over the place even though we started the day of a couple of percent up. 😡 I’m still not exactly sure what the cause of all the bearishness was, but for now I’m sitting things out and just waiting for things to turn around.

Otherwise just the normal stuff…oh, yeah! I won a bunch of giveaways in Pizza Discord! 🥳 Those were some nice pings to wake up to. 😁 Got a Rising Star card, 2500 Starbits, 25 ONEUP, and 15 PIZZA! 🤑 Not bad for holding some tokens (earning 12% interest) and jibber-jabbering online. 👍

I’d gotten a rough idea of what I wanted to teach today, but spent quite a bit of the morning getting prepared, solidifying my plan for the day, and practicing some of the proofs I wanted to go over.

Checked in on FB for a sec and happened to see a comment in the Oculus community that mentioned another escape room type game. 😮 It was in reply to The Room being the best, and I was instantly intrigued! It’s on AppLab, so not properly searchable in the Oculus store, but I was able to find it. I read through some of the reviews and figured for $3 for ten hours of gameplay, it was worth a shot. I got it downloaded (and been itching to try it out), but was busy today so it will likely interfere with my motivation to get work done on the website. 😛

Got my post done (now that I think about it, I didn’t go back in and finish it 😡) as best I could having gotten a later start than usual and actually left for work late waiting for the damn brofund bot to post and have it done before I started driving.

Headed in and the drive was fine, so even though I left late, I was still to class early. We looked at polynomial long division and I showed them the Rational Roots Theorem. I think it pushed them a little hard, but it’s good for them to start getting exposed to more “proper” algebra and not just baby equations. At the end of the day, I think they understood what I was on about…that we can use it to limit the possibilities and if we get one of the roots that way, we can peel it off by division.

Headed out to the car to get my lunch and was utterly frustrated with the signal. I drove around to like four or five different places on campus to find even a modest signal, but it was all 5G E everywhere and like no bars. 🤬 I eventually just gave up and went inside to use the WiFi at least twenty minutes early. Even that was being unstable for some reason, but I ended up chatting with one of my students who was also waiting there.

Once again Calculus class went super fast! We covered (and proved) that differentiable implies continuous but not the other way around, proved the Chain Rule we looked at before and went through some more examples, and then proved both the Product Rule and the Quotient Rule and did examples AND STILL ended nearly an hour early! 😱

We will, of course, do lots more examples, but that’s supposed to be like three classes worth of material and we (or maybe just I 🤔) blasted through it in one! We’ll see…I might hit the brakes a bit and spend an entire class working through examples and maybe take a little break from proofs. We still need a couple more of the basic rules, though, so we’ll see.

No problem on the drive home and I was there a bit early. I wanted to jump in and try out that new game, but the time flew by and before I knew it Wenche got home. She made us turkey taco salad for dinner and we watched a few episodes of the new season of Space Force.

Got embroiled for a bit in a heavy debate about the nature of “pizza” and we settled on: legit (baked) dough, sauce, and cheese or a cheese equivalent are minimally necessary. Thankfully this does eliminate desert “pizzas,” which are not pizza, but pizza-esque.

I tried to play my Splinterlands quest, but just wasn’t into it and got myself ready for bed instead. For once I’d actually gotten all my steps done, so thankfully that wasn’t even a concern. Don’t think I made it too long after I laid down before I was asleep.

[I guess if you take some words from today’s post and tack them onto yesterday’s, I’m maintaining my word count? 🤓]

Speaking of word count, I’m thinking that dShitty deserves as many words in my post as SIM I get for the day. Seems fair, no? The word for today is: blegh.



Got a couple missions done on Rising Star and got that card from Pizza, but it was a common that I already had. Either way, it adds to my card total, so helps in the long run, I suppose. Didn’t switch back to missions yet, but it’s looking like my Ego is growing again already, so lesson seem inevitable here.


I guess, after getting home from work, making and eating dinner, and all that it got kind of late before I started thinking about playing Splinterlands. I only played a couple battles before my patience ran out. I didn’t really rage quit, just didn’t feel like playing.

I figured I’d play tomorrow in the afternoon maybe and get the quest to reset a little later than it does now. We’ll see how that plan pans out.


I got Life splinter for my quest today, and could have probably just run with it, but decided to switch and got Dragon instead. Should make life a bit easier, but time will tell.


Consequently, though, that means I don’t have all that much to show for my post today. No daily rewards yet and no motion in the rankings one way or the other.

I did go in and stake my SPS for the day, but still sitting tight on the vouchers I moved over to H-E.

Got my stats for the last week today. Perhaps it was an issue with FitBit’s auto recognition of exercise function, but I don’t think it’s completely fair to say zero for the whole week. Although, I haven’t been out for a proper walk, really, since the weather turned so it is on me.


Average Last 7 Days: 13,089

Lifetime Average: 15,081

10k per Day Streak: 9


Longest Streak: 204


Distance on shoes: 728.49 km
Distance on hikers: 67.07 km

#AutomaticWin Tally: 421
#AutomaticWin Streak: 0
Longest Streak: 53

#TripleTen Tally: 118
#TripleTen Streak: 0
Longest Streak: 7

#DoubleDay Tally: 229
#DoubleDay Streak: 0
Longest Streak: 37

Highest Floors: 120

Highest Daily Steps: 41,528

Zombies evaded: 0/0

Mindfulness Diary:

Health: 82%
Satisfaction: 86%
Energy: 86%
Productivity: 78%


Rising Star






Pi Cloud Mining





Join us in the Mancave!

Power up and Hive on!



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remaining commands 2

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100 PGM token to send 0.1 PGM three times per day
500 to send and receive 0.1 PGM five times per day
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Discord image.png

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why you leave friend

Wasn’t really fun or productive anymore. The time is better spent in the Pizza server. Thanks, though, after like more than a month you’re the first to bother to ask! 👍


well I miss you ;)

There has already been too much ENGAGE today.


PIZZA Holders sent $PIZZA tips in this post's comments:
solairitas tipped definethedollar (x1)
definethedollar tipped bearbear613 (x1)
@dswigle(3/5) tipped @definethedollar (x1)

Please vote for pizza.witness!

It has actually been a while since I have been here and holy moly! You are one busy dude! By the time I finish this post, I was out of breath.

I have always been grateful for teachers like you! Making sure the basics are covered and understood before moving on. Great steps. Nice post and always glad to see you but you are discovering new games. I hope you have another amazing day!