Oct. 21, 20: AutomaticWin, Xbox, SQL Success, Teaching Calculus, and Games

in #archon4 years ago


It seems The Sandman has forgotten my name. 😢 Up and out of bed at three thirty this morning and an hour and a half short yet again, again! I wanted to take a nap, but I knew I would feel crappy and I had teaching, so I powered through on caffeine and nicotine.

That gave me an early jump on the day and I just got on with the morning routine. HIVE got hammered yet again and down to the 1100 sat range now...no end in sight, no bottom to be found? 🤷‍♂️

BTC started popping like crazy, though, breaking through the twelve thousand resistance with relatively high volumes coming on the follow through. Likely FOMO from the announcement that PayPal is adding crypto support to their app.

Got to see how we do coming up against the previous high around thirteen thousand eight hundred. There’s not a lot of historical volume traded in these regions and above, so if that high breaks, we could seriously be off to the races!

Of course, there will be pullbacks, but maybe this is the start of the next bull cycle? 3.4% of the entire supply is not held by publicly traded companies and more institutional investors are dropping big bank as a hedge against the obvious inflation of fiat around the globe...fundamentally there’s no reason for the price not to go parabolic.


I was done with my chores and watching YouTube news and all that usual stuff before the sun even got up. My ActiFit exchange was due, so I decided to get out and go for a #AutomaticWin.

I took the doggy as well, but five kilometers or so in he turned around and wanted to go home, not sure what was up with that! I dropped him off at home and did another block or two.




I wouldn’t say it was exactly nice out, but not terribly cold despite threatening to rain. Stayed dry, though, except for my feet.



The lights were still on, so I’d say that counts as beating the sun out. Early bird catches the worm, or the gout, or something.


I got my post done for the day and sat down to play some Maid of Sker on the Xbox. Hasn’t been too terrible, only died a couple times, but it’s harsh...resets you all the way back to the last save. 😱. I did pop a couple nice cheevos for about fifty gamerscore just doing storyline tasks. Some of the puzzles are getting tough in terms of the amount of work and enemies to avoid to collect all the pieces. Good, though, I’m enjoying it for what it is.

I satisfied my Xbox craving and then decided to sit down, focus, and fight with the computer. I finally got it working!!! Thank goodness for YouTube! I was able to get php and phpmyadmin running properly, created a database and started creating the necessary tables. It still doesn’t make complete sense to put everything at the top layer, but it will probably result in a speed advantage as size scales.

Regardless, that’s actual progress on that project...the second major barrier overcome! I now have a vague sense of what’s doing what in the code, and have the necessary programs to get it running. Now I just have to get it running...then I can start fiddling with it for real.

In the evening I met with my Calculus students. Only six showed up, which is a little disappointing, but hey six more than none. We covered some questions about optimization (a little ahead of the game) and then I proved the derivative of the natural log, did some examples of that with chain rule, and then covered implicit differentiation and how that applies to related rate questions.

Once we finished up, I got ready for bed and watched some Man with a Plan on the tv before passing out.

Knock on wood, my dCity has been peaceful the last few days. Still saving up at this point.


Got my Holybread tasks done for the day! 🤗 Still struggling in the arena, but was able to eek out my wins.


Not been able to move back into the top ten, but holding strong at twelfth. 👍



Got enough CryptoBrewmaster ingredients together to fire up a brewski.


Not sold anything out, so no changes in balance, but hopefully I’ll move up tomorrow.



🎵 (Hee-Haw)
Where, oh where, have my urges gone?
Why don’t I seem to wanna pla-ay?
You fooked me right over by making me pay more.
I popped the finger, and poof, I was gone. 🎵

Proof of #AutomaticWin:


Average Last 7 Days: 14,618

Lifetime Average: 15,785

10k per Day Streak: 6
Longest Streak: 204


Distance on shoes: 100.26 km

#AutomaticWin Tally: 288
#AutomaticWin Streak: 1
Longest Streak: 19

#TripleTen Tally: 116
#TripleTen Streak: 0
Longest Streak: 7

#DoubleDay Tally: 150
#DoubleDay Streak: 0
Longest Streak: 5

Highest Floors: 120

Highest Daily Points: 41,528

Zombies evaded: 0/0

Mindfulness Diary:

Health: 82%
Satisfaction: 83%
Energy: 79%
Productivity: 87%







Pi Cloud Mining



Join us in the Mancave!

Power up and Hive on!


Your current Rank (8) in the battle Arena of Holybread has granted you an Upvote of 26%