Oct. 23, 20: Trading, Xbox, Napping, Laps, and Games

in #archon4 years ago (edited)


Up just after three o’clock this morning. 😭 I just can’t seem to get a proper night’s sleep. It was only a day or so ago that I crashed out in the afternoon, and here again today. 🥺

The morning routine was basically a blur, done before I’d even really woken up. Bitcoin seems to have hit resistance at thirteen and the volumes are dropping off quickly, but be time for a pullback coming.

I’d tried for several days to recover the BLURT I’d sent to blurtlink and finally just DM’d him on Discord. I don’t think I got the one back that he just took, but whatever, I got the majority of it. Sold it out right away since the price had essentially doubled. Still sitting on the HIVEP for right now...decisions, decisions.

Put in a sale on Kanda as well. I was surprised that it all powered down at once in such a short time! Don’t think any of them have sold yet, though. Might cancel it and just dump them, we’ll see.

Wasn’t very nice out (raining again) and with being worn out I wasn’t motivated to do much, especially not go out for a walk.

I played some Resident Evil 3. Made some good progress: I found a new grenade launcher, beat a boss, and made it to the next region. 😁 That popped a couple good cheevos for about fifty gamerscore altogether. I’m enjoying it...the usual frustrations with inventory management, though.

I watched a significant portion of Project Power. Pretty cool, at least my kind of movie, but I did fall asleep before the ending. Have to go back and finish it out.

Had most of my step by the time I started getting ready to go back to bed, but enough to fire up the Fitbit and do some laps around the house.



That was pretty much the whole day. Watched a bit of Letterman on tv and passed out. Days are definitely starting to smear together at this point.

No crime in my dCity today! 🥳 I went over and sifted through the market to see what all was available in my price range. Ended up grabbing a Solar Plant which is consistent with my drive to have an eco friendly city.


I also grabbed the next tech in the energy tier. I don’t have a Nuclear Plant (nor do I really plan to), but it could be nice to get that bonus income now that I have a Solar Plant. 🤩


Still doin’ alright on Holybread! 😀 Got my task done for today, no problem. Even have enough gold saved for two potions already! 🥰


Crankin’ out those wins, baby! Fought back up into the top ten and solidly defending. 💪



Just been gathering ingredients on CryptoBrewmaster. Not had enough to do anything yet. Speaking of not being able to do anything, first they put in the capital control that you couldn’t move your tokens if you had fewer than 1,000, no you have to pay them .01 HBD for permission! 😡🤬

I recognize that that’s not all that much, but still, are they my tokens or not?! If they are, I should be able to move them or trade them or whatever I want!



Still not much to say about Splinterlands. Been counting days like an alcoholic. 21 days since I last played. 😜 Need to put those cards to work for me one way or another.

Average Last 7 Days: 12,813

Lifetime Average: 15,771

10k per Day Streak: 8
Longest Streak: 204


Distance on shoes: 103.97 km

#AutomaticWin Tally: 288
#AutomaticWin Streak: 0
Longest Streak: 19

#TripleTen Tally: 116
#TripleTen Streak: 0
Longest Streak: 7

#DoubleDay Tally: 150
#DoubleDay Streak: 0
Longest Streak: 5

Highest Floors: 120

Highest Daily Points: 41,528

Zombies evaded: 0/0

Mindfulness Diary:

Health: 80%
Satisfaction: 82%
Energy: 74%
Productivity: 76%







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