Very Basic Hive-Engine Dropper (python)

in #archon4 years ago (edited)

Warning!: This dropper bot does not include any fancy backups, no added error handling and is more basic than my exs from my 20s... Just like those exs, USE AT YOUR OWN RISK!

You can download it here on github.

Needs beem and hiveengine to run, install via pip3.

Change the settings by directly editing

Supports checking stake or balance (but not both at once)

Automatically adjusts for skipped accounts under minimum.

Ignores tokens powering down / on market

Drops null share to null (if null has a balance / stake of token used)

If you need help, drop into the Archon / UFM Discord

EDIT: 1000 "user" limit


I think this is exactly what I have been looking for.

It's not too fancy, but it will drop. forgot to mention a 1000 "user" limit... to go beyond 1000 would need some more lines with offsets

@taskmanager is there a way to identify active users or users who have subscribed to a community to distribute this drop?

There's a way to get subscribers. Let me write up a little script for you to do that. I normally use JS, but should be easy enough to convert to any other language.

Getting active is a bit more complicated but you can use this and some sort of definition of activity + account history to do that.

Thank you! So to clarify this would be to get all users who are subscribed to a community?

Yup. Check it out there. Just hit run and you get the subscribers to the giftgiver community.

Screen Shot 20200727 at 10.54.10 PM.png

let axios = require("axios")


async function a(){
  let query = {id: 0,jsonrpc: "2.0", method: "bridge.list_subscribers", params: {community: "hive-110974"}}
  let res = await"", query)
} <- Might get deleted later so I put it up there as well. Just replace the hive-110974 part with the tag for your community.

I have picked your post for my daily hive voting initiative, Keep it up and Hive On!!