Some old graphite portraits

in #art5 years ago

Hello everyone, These are some of my old graohite portraits I drew last 2015 when I was studying for engineering licensure exam. Drawing is one of my past time especially when my mind is full of formulas and things I need to remember and analyze. It helped me cope with boredom big time.



This entry is a part of a daily challenge I set for my self :) You can read more about it at this link

DayArtPhotography/Write Ups
MondayInk Drawing or DoodleBlack and White Photography
TuesdayWatercolor IllustrationDream Narration
WednesdayDigital IllustrationPoem of the Day
ThursdayPortraitsStreet Photography
FridayCalligraphyFavorite Quotation and Words
SaturdayCharacter DesignNature Photography
SundayDoodleGolden Hour Photography


You really captured the girl well, her face has a lot of character. Great job!

Thank you so much :D

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In the second portrait the eyes are so expressive:) Nice to see you tagging your amazing artworks with the #creativecoin:) You can see the tokens at steem engine:)

Thank you !!!!

And thank you so much again for suggesting this tag :)

You have a good sense of style and composition. It's strange that you publish so little of your works, they are great!

I have a big time artblock lately, I think it's more than a month now so I only post my old artworks. :< I really hope i could return

BTW, thank you!