CHIMERA ArtExplosion entry Free for steemians @steemcreations

in #art7 years ago

I was always very curious about human nature and behavior, but the thing that fascinated me mostly, is the creative power of our intelligence. How we can imagine concepts, stories, with so much detail and depth, that it shapes our entire perception on life.
To a point we all know that, "beauty", "happiness", "religion", "power", are just concepts, that do not physically exist, but we attributed so much thought in their creation, that they became essential to our existence. Our own creations, sets of beliefs, that we can no longer live without. I am not so interested on the meaning or philosophy behind these concepts, rather the effect they have on our individual and collective perception.
It was curious and entertaining for me to hear people's reflection on my art. As a young artist my initial approach to art was, pure educational, I was doing studies of figure drawing, still life exercises and exploring styles and mediums,( and I still do) but every time someone will see one of my “little creations” will immediately attribute a feeling or an atmosphere to it either related to them, or to me as the artist.
I said curious and entertaining, because it was a surprise to me to find out how different people see, in a few random objects painted on a canvas, sadness, energy or power … with no relation to the objects, how it is easier for them to empathize with an abstract concept rather than a physical subject.
With the risk of getting a bit philosophical here, at an elementary school level, I realized that our purpose is not discovery but creation.
So conceptualizing and layering fictional symbols in my art, became the skill I will most exercise.
It is still very unexpected , what each person will get out of my art, but it is very satisfying to make it intentional or at least to give myself the impression that I do.
Getting back to discovery that feeds creativity, every new point of view will teach me something about myself and the world around me...
It is a loop … discover to create, create to discover something new
With all that said ….

What does this artwork make you feel?
Chimera watercolor on paper A3

chimera frame.jpg

What about now?
Chimera glitched in photoshop as an entry to ART EXPLOSION @juliakponsford contest :)


And now?
Does it make you feel something different now?


The original artwork have sold, so I will giveaway the right to print or use this images for steemians @steemcreations


another beautiful piece! :D

Glad you like it 😅

I'm a big fan of glitch art, thanks for the entry :)

glad you like it , I am a fan of your contest and hope to come up with something for every theme

Very nice painting!

Thank you 😊

wow amazing art thank you for sharw with us.

It is truly my pleasure as I feel very encouraged by all your lovely comments so thank you

Great entry, well distorted!!

Your art is stunning, especially the last one with the digitized, geometric look.

thank you :)

Great work, prefer the original look. You sell every piece of your arts?

thank you, I try to sell as much as I can and I take commissions too, but of cores not every piece get's sold right away