My Portfolio - 5 Years of freelancing - The best I've done so far..

in #art7 years ago

Hello Steemers!

As some of you know I am an artist for games and film and more!
For the last 5 years i have been working as a freelance concept artist & illustrator.

In these 5 years I have worked for a bunch of projects ranging from miniatures for tabletop rpgs, to the book for these games.. Video games on PC, Xbox, PS4/3, mobiles, card games.. even on a ride for one the leading themeparks here in Europe.

Which is super cool! .. Though one of the problems you always run into is called 'NDA'.. Non disclosure agreement.
In other words it means; 'Hey.. That work you did for us.. Really cool!.. You can't show it to anyone! okay thanks bye!'

It is something that seems to be happening more and more..

But a portfolio is from vital importance as a freelancer. If I have nothing to show for.. How will anyone find me or know how good/bad I am.. and I'm asking the dayrate i'm asking!

One of the few options you are left with is try to make personal work.. Stuff that isn't owned by anyone!
That you can always put in your portfolio! Of course you have to find the time and motivation to make any.. I for example are most of the time working for about 8 hours a day on 'work' 'work'.. After that I find it quite hard to find some energy to make some stuff for myself!.

Anyway.. I'd like to share with you a big part of my portfolio because I'm curious to what you guys think.
And to perhaps for aspiring artists to see what I have that gets me jobs/work/commissions/licensing deals etc.

My portfolio: (some of these images have already been posted on steemit!)



There is usually quite a few more.. But These are most of the times the images I like to show the most..
Though I realize this might be a bit too much! :D

Anyway I'd love to hear your thoughts!

Thank you so much for your time!


PS: I recently set up shop and sell some prints, shirts, phone cases and other stuff! You can check it out here:


wow. just wow
Now i definitely know who i am gonna write if need some arts.

my upvotes!

haha ;) Thank you mate! Appreciate it ;)


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Congrats, stunning portfolio!

very cool post ! i upovoted you can you take a look to my blog post


those people are instantly ignored :/ most of the time they didnt even upvote anyway .. eventhough they do say they did..

Your color palet is astonishing. I especially love that fiora-paint demonist and the 2nd painting as they show the personality of the character more deeply compared to the others. Also taht hunter in the snow. I love stories haha. That's why the 1st one and the night elve I find them less interesting (technically I can't say anything I love it) but in terms of storytelling they are a bit under the others I think (for the 1st warrior I think it is because of the background).
But anyway, just rambling a bit haha I'm still faaaaaaaar from that level x) Cheers man !

haha thanks mate appreciate your in depth review ;))))) Cheers bro!

As a beginner freelancer, I aspire to reach this level of awesomeness !

Thank you for your kind words!
You will get there for sure! Just a matter of time and hard work! :D

you are very talented :)

:P thnks

Wow! Stunning! Great work!

Thank you very much :D

Your portfolio is epic Rogier!
My favorite is "Archmage Rises" reminds me of myself haha.
Can't wait to see your new posts, you just got my follow!

Feel free to check out my artwork, its a different style than your's.. however I feel as though you may enjoy it very much. If you do be sure to give a follow back :)

  • Daltono

Thanks Daltono ;)
You a mage too yeh? hahah ;D

I've always been fascinated by the fire that burns within ;P

Amazing, you are so talented
Steem on!

Thank you @toofasteddie :) I definitely will

Great work! Awesome stuff all around, I especially like that variety of ship designs.

Thanks mate! :D It is for the ipad/iphone game Phoenix II you should try it if u have one its quite fun ^^

Ohhh, amazing!

Great stuff, man!

Wow, nice portfolio @beekart! Have to resteem this! ;)

yay! :D thanks .. did u get ur prints yet?!

Not yet! ;) But I'm sure they'll arrive this week! Aww I'm so looking forward to receive them!! :D

Cool! Those are professional works! Looking forward to see more masterpiece! :D

Thank you @elliebong ! :) I will try to share my new stuff as soon as it gets out of the 'nda' zone :D

So cool man really love this style. You must dedicate a lot of time to your art and it really shows. Bummer about the NDIA's but you can see the skill and dedication you have just in a few images. Keep crushing it!

Thanks mate! I will share the stuff when it comes out of NDA though unfortunately sometimes the work never gets released and it will remain unseen forever!! dramatic music ;D

It's impressive, with a wide variety of images. You have man, woman, backgrounds, legendary creatures, space ships,... I would like to have such a varied portofio.. But as you say, it needs time and motivation after working all day... Not always easy! Congratulations ! :-)

Thank you so much! :)
I was lucky to get such different jobs, so I get to do different stuff all the time :D its fun! :)

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The gaming picture is very nice

Just beautiful. 👏👏👏

Thanks alot ^^ glad you like it!

Wow. Great post, great art. I would hire you.

Amazing artwork and I totally agree that the NDA stinks. Following.

thank you so much :D welcome to the club haha

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Amazing art, and quite well composed! Out of curiousity, how much would it cost to commission a piece from you?

Thank you so much :) Well it depends completely on what you want. Characters and portraits can be as 'cheap' as 150/250 to full blown out illustrations with multiple characters etc that could run up to 1500 :D
I do take crypto's as payment nowdays so that helps for some people i think :D

I have also sold a print the otherday for a bit of litecoin.. 21st century! ur amazing :P

oh man... how i wish I have this kind of talent. very cool indeed!

haha .. just practice mate! :D .. practice and be patient! :D

Beekart you are awesom ,i scrolled it up and down , to watch carefully , !
Im not in games but i see your works are great and i enjoy watching them ...

And congratulations about etsy shop ,
Wish you much success .
Resteemed √

Thank you very much! :) Cool to know you like it!
I do my best :D

Yeah.. I hope the etsy shop will atleast sell something!.. though so far I get the idea that is not going to happen! :D

Thanks for resteeming! Cheers!

Im happy you did it , ! :)
I watched your etsy ,
Nice and Prices are good , i would love to have that t shirt - Storm Trooper , :D

Unfortunately The use of Paypal account facilities for people living inside Iran is not easily possible.i cant use etsy or other sites easily .
Anyway steemit is nice place too .

Ahh thats too bad ;)
oh well! :D maybe things will change.. if you really want it im sure there is a different way to do it, just let me know ;)

Ofcourse everything is possible

You sure are professional!

^^ thank you mate!

Have you ever worked for Privateer Press? I know a former member of their writing team.

Hey Jacob, I have not :o
I had to google them.. I know the company though! Haven't actually had the chance to work with them so far! :)

fantastic! and RESTEEMED!


Amazing stuff! followed

that what i call a piece of art, congratulation beekart, so far the best digital drawings on steemit, the landscape paintings are inspirational and the characters construction are just amazing, do you have any 3d work ? in Zbrush for example ? keep on the good work bro.

Thank you @jacobkaled ! I'm not sure if that is the case.. im sure soon way more people / artists will follow! :)
I am only 2d, i very rarely use a 3d base to fix a certain perspective or have a base for something. :)