My kind of litter [alien forest art]

in #art4 years ago

We stopped for a pee break on some random forest service road off the McKenzie highway heading back out of the Willamette Valley toward drier climes. We were still on the wet side of the Cascades and the thick moss and forest litter was so inviting that I was half tempted to lay down on it, despite the wet. Every foot step sunk deep into the moist lushness.

I snapped a blurry dim-light cell phone photo of the litter which served as the basis for all of these mutations. Original photo at the end of the post. Also we made it back home safe and relatively sound, minus the virus (of the common cold variety) that we picked up from sister-in-law and family. Happy new year y'all, if you feel the need to vacate the earth for 2020 you can jump through these portals to another dimension:






Original Forest Litter Photo



Whoooaaa... this is seriously cool. I’m loving the way you manipulated the shots. This is why you were gone for a while? Road trip?

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yeah we recently moved within the US from Oregon to Utah, and over Christmas holiday we drove back to Oregon to spend time with family. In the last two weeks we put in 2500 miles in the car with a five year old and a three year old :)

Daaang!! Haha, that must have been awesome and... challenging. I hope it was mostly fun. ❤️

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Happy nw year Carl! Also pls consider posting your alien stuff in My aliens of steem community!!!

sure how do I do that? LOL I am horribly behind the times I know, been busy with all kinds of stuff since communities beta came out and I have no idea how it works

you just have to log in to steemit beta with your posting key and post from the community, alternatively you can use the community hive # (in this case hive-158694) as your first tag and it will post to that community!

Screen Shot 20191231 at 4.38.28 PM.png

Well, what if I end up littering that other dimension XD
Happy new year man, I never knew symmetry could be so unpredictable.
Keep caring, keep sharing and keep loving yourself because that’s one of your greatest qualities!

Happy new year @carlgnash
this image seriously cool 👍

Thanks! Happy new year to you as well :)