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RE: The Red Cardinal

in #art2 years ago

What a beautiful picture snook I love the colours in it and you did an amazing job making it into something beautiful.

Hope you can get your thumb fixed that sucks I had a friend who got RHS(repetitive hand strain) from gaming using the mouse so often and clicking it non-stop for years and ended up needing surgery for it
so hope doesn't come to that.


Mine came from buying a cheap ass mouse....... as far as I could figure. Within a week of using it my thumb started to click and I was like WTF! LOL so spent time going over in my head what I was doing differently and the cheap mouse was the only thing.

So I bought another mouse that had the same shape as my old one because they didn't make my older one anymore......this has helped in some healing but I still need to see the doctor. Hubby said he had to get a shot and that that worked for him.....

I am NOT looking forward to a shot in my thumb knuckle AT ALL but if it fixes it that is all I care about. Not being able to do what brings me joy in so many ways is disheartening but not the end of the world. There are always workarounds if you want to do something bad enough.

The funny thing is I was just looking for a better mouse because the cheaper version of my old one sucks as a mouse.......... so lesson learned LOLL Best Buy will be dropping off my new GOOD mouse tomorrow. :D

Oh, and THANK YOU for your wonderful comment about my painting!! I loved how it turned out and was really proud of it and it makes me happy that others like it too!!