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RE: Baby Steps...

in #art3 years ago

Every word and every coloring page calmed me more and more as I read through this journey. It just made me so happy. and you're gonna laugh at this - but her boobs were so cute ROFLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLL i'm serious!!!! her little cleavage was so perfect hahahahahahahaha

I am the SAME WAY with color by number - but you know what they have??? paint by number that is with like - acrylic paint? so it covers the numbers and it looks SUPER cool when you're done hehehe

but don't buy that
just keep doing what you're doing now - because this is so Snook! hehehehe

The way the pages kept developing with the shading was so magical. It kept drawing me deeper into each picture hehehehe The dress was was perfect - PERFECT. the way the light hit the folds of the skirt and then it faded into the deeper purple shadows!!!

I love it - and I can't wait for more and I can't wait to be #1 in line for..... hehehehehehehe shhhhhhhhhhh its coming :)

i'm removing my vote so I can put it back with 100% hehehe cuz i think i put up a curation trail vote on auto hehehehe but this needs 100% :)

i love you!!! one day at a time!!!!


I have seen on YouTube the paint by numbers. I would go blind LOLL but they do look like fun :D but I do not need another hobby either. I think Hubby would kill me! HA :D

Thank YOU!! I am so happy you like it :D I can not wait to do more too. I just need to NOT overdue any day which is hard for me cuz I am having fun :D

I hope you have a wonderful; Wednesday!!


hehehehe i agree... keeping your mind fresh for your hobbies is essential hehehehe

I have to tell you something funny!
there was this really pretty picture of me on my wedding day. I was turned to the side - a profile pic of me in my wedding dress with this beautiful lacey window behind me.

my mom thought it would be fun to turn that into a paint by number so i'd have a portrait to paint - a little project that would end with this neat painting at the end.

Snook - the last I saw it - it was 1/5 of the way painted.

I've been married for 27.5 years




I REALLY want to say send it to me so I can paint it and send it back to you!!!!!!!!!!!! s a Mom I can see her thinking ti was the perfect gift :D

what a great story!!!!!!!!

If i could even find it - I think it was under my bed at our old house hahahaha
then we moved 3 years ago - and now??? hmmm

if i find it - i'll take a picture of it for you - we will have a good laugh at my 1/5 painted face!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! LOLOLOLOL

but snook! hahahahahahaha
can you imagine???

the paints were a specific color - customized to the photo 🤣 and they are FOR SURE little dried up paint pots by now.

WHY DID I EVEN PACK THAT TO MOVE???? hahahahahahahahaha

oh my gosh - am I a hoarder?!?!?!?! LOLOLOLOL

I think you will need new paint LOLLLLL

and YES........ Horder :D

but for real NO, you love your Mom and You loved the gift and could not throw it away. Nothing wrong with that!


my mom would have been like ARE YOU CRAZY - THROW THAT AWAY! lololol

maybe the paint pots will be so dry- that i'll be able to grind them into powder and make new paint 🤣