First freelance illustration order from Fiverr!

in #art6 years ago (edited)

Yay! Thanks to @artwithflo I've found out what's the Fiverr is. She was asking of my opinion about that freelancers service but I've never heard of it before. Then I've got an email from the owners inviting me to become their Pro Gig (or something like that) having privileges on regular accounts there. It was for free but Fiverr takes huge 20% from the orders coming through it's service.


So I thought okay if they are asking then maybe there is some sense in it. Let them be my agents and I will just raise my prices there adding that 20% on top. I've opened an account there, uploaded few works and...

Kids Book Prototype illustration

...And just a week ago got my first order there. Nice woman from US was asking me to draw one page illustration for her small son children book which he wrote. She sent me his photos, some story about him and short text for that page how her son was mad about his dad wouldn't let him go swimming. It's about emotions he felt.

Fiverr System

We've set and agreed on the price and I've chosen the timings set to deliver it in four days. So the counter in my account started ticking. It is actually could make you feel nervous seeing how that is passing!


Four days were enough and I've got a lot other things to do. I am having few different orders in a row now, plus trying to write blog posts here almost everyday which usually takes at least 1-2 hour per day, working on eSteem application UI changes, drawing some other illustrations for eSteem as a part of the team. Plus conducting yoga courses actively (almost every day) so I had other things to do...





And time is passing so fast. If you will look at these numbers ticking you can go mad soon. So I've found I have to deliver it tomorrow. This duty has been transformed into an urgent one and there was no way to postpone it again.


Fast Coloring Mode Enabled

Fiverr timings are real numbers. They don't care if you have a night time or weekend whenever you accept an order so I've got only 4 hours left when I've started the coloring process.



My state was going to be exactly the same as my character's face. Hurry up! Time is running! Your first order. You are not going to fail it. Those days I am sleeping 4-5 hours only. Having Sri Sri Yoga classes from 6:30 am in the morning, plus I do my personal practice before the class usually. Then after morning yoga it's time to work. Even having such a small amount of sleep yoga practice can give great energy boost. I am having very good mood and can complete everything much faster.


As you can see I am still using Microsoft Surface Pro 2017 with an old Surface Pro 4 pen (because new pen have cursor jumping offset issue, don't buy they are not going to fix that!). Drawing in Adobe Photoshop.


First iteration

I've done this in 4 hours and sent to show the progress. The only thing I felt this illustration is not finished yet. It looked too simple for a full book page. I've asked my client for another day to fix that feeling and to add any corrections if she would like to.


Second iteration

I am greatful she understood me and gave another day. Asked me to try to add more details according to the text (scrambled brains, fire heart, lava butt...) and to make the main character look more similar to her son. He have long white hair.



I've found some lava references in Google and started to change the pool water into the hell. Added red eyes according to the text as well. And some more details to make it look finished. Now I was satisfied. Sent it for approval.


But she didn't reply fast. I've started to worry asking if there is anything else I could do. After almost a day she wrote me that everything is cool but it would be nice if the character would look even more portrait similar to her son.

Third iteration


It's great to have even more time. Though Fiverr showed this red warning. But it was okay to add necessary corrections here. I've made this cute boy. He came out too happy for the first time.


So here was the last correction made him look less happier and more mad according to the story text.


I am still waiting for the final approval but I am sure it's finished or almost done. If there would be anything else fixed I would just update the post.

One more revision update

I've just got another client request to fix the emotion. She sent me nice reference so I've easily changed that and finally it has been approved! I've got 5 starts rating there, hurray!


My thoughts regarding the Fiverr platform


  • Your personal agent is popular platform. They are advertising you having it's interest so you don't have to bother about PR.
  • Pretty smart interface forcing you to fill all the important questions and small details
  • You can create your own FAQ there
  • You are getting handy portfolio
  • Fiverr insurance and security. Once you've got your order you are really sure you will get money after delivering it.


  • Extortionate interest 20% fee Fiverr takes for the service! I think it's really too much.
  • Timezone regarding issues. E.g. you are telling your cilent that you will do it in one working day but Fiverr counts 24 hours from the time your client accepts the offer.
  • All the messages are controled by Fiverr moderators so you are not allowed to ask your client for his contact number to talk using phone.
  • Litte bit annoying usability of some functions like watermark option is hiding deep in settings.

Fil Dunsky: Telegram Channel | Portfolio | Instagram | Facebook


OMG, I really cannot believe my eyes how amazing you are at making digital illustrations. Use #artzone tag and your arts will be seen by more users as users search for this tag.

Done! Thanks a lot!

love the clock(s) included in this super nice.

Haha :) Yeah, once I saw that interface I've made a screenshot for my future post here :)

Always amazing artworks and interesting stories !!!

Thank you, Liv!

Thank you for sharing. Seems like an interesting platform, I might check it out, though I'm not sure I have the time, haha :D
By the way, I am new on steemit and would love to connect with other artists, so if you ever have time to check out my page I'd be stoked (though you seem quite busy yourself ;P)

great work and handling of the technique, I love the style of your illustrations, I feel very identified with the post that I am also a user of fiverr and I know that the time they handle them in the corrections that the clients do, of which also you It has a great handling!!! haha!

@dunsky, you steady step in Steemit

Is it good for children reading

Who knows, mister Random!