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RE: POETRY Visual Directed By Me

in #art3 years ago

First off: Welcome to HIVE. Missing writing poetry and all is a fairly simple 'problem' to tackle: Just start writing again {LOL} You've made a nice one here with some creative video added to it. Super!

Regarding censoring and all: LeoFinance is not about censoring you, but it's about moderating. LeoFianance is all about finance and crypto. Its a community about those topics. With the success of their community and token, many people think they can just post any content. But the essence of topic-based communities is that the content is about the topic. I think they do a great job to try and keep their community to be about finance and crypto since that is the only way to attract more finance and crypto minded users and in the end, a community will only flourish when likeminded are part of that community. Anyway, I guess you figured that out yourself already with your writing: "I understand there is a time, place, and community for everything" :)

HIVE does have communities for your content. Just browse around our communities and you'll notice some writing, art and music communities in which our work fits.

HIVE also has a video platform, called 3Speak ( One important thing to know with that service is: Video content uploaded tp 3Speak are downloadable by others (unlike a YT video) with a download button that is presented under the video when using the 3speak user interface. All posts through 3Speak end up at the HIVE blockchain and are viewable from all the general-purpose UIs for the HIVE chain, like Peakd,, Ecency).

Searching content on the HIVE blockchain is possible with the dedicated HIVE search engine: If you like, you can use that engine to discover other poetry minded users.

I wish you a lot of fun at HIVE and please continue to create poetry and share it with us :)


Oh wow, I am so grateful for all the info and resources!!! 😀
I know they weren't purposely trying to censor my content I was being a tad dramatic hehe and wasn't aware of the rules lol but there's always someone on here to clarify and I love that about this community- thank you for enjoying the content <3

also... pick up the pen again.
the world needs more poets 😍

also... pick up the pen again. the world needs more poets 😍

Absolutely and Super! 😉