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RE: My most beautiful AI picture so far!

in #art2 years ago

Very fucking cool xcuse my language, but it's just so pleasant to look at.

I've seen people doing animation with Disco diffusion, some powerful stuff, it blew me away!

I am also looking into it!! Keep up the amazing work!!!


I agree! Very fucking cool indeed. :) No worries about the language, and yeah... Quite pleasant! :D
I've done some amazing animations with Disco and seem some amazing ones with Stable Diffusion which I wanna try to get working soon!

Good luck with your efforts looking into animation! I can only imagine the cool stuff you'll come up with!
Also, thanks! Same to you.

I am finally putting my hands on Disco Diffusion tonight and currently diffusing something...We'll see!

It's a bit less user friendly, but nothing too scary...

Word! I'm curious to hear how it goes if you feel like sharing.
And yeah, it takes a bit extra to learn but there's a lot of tutorials on YouTube that really helped me get it down. I still have some issues sometimes, though I've got it working to a pretty reliable degree.

I'm still having trouble with one of the Stable Diffusion apps though, however a lot of this stuff is still super new so it will likely become easier to use in the not too distant future!