"Mt Shasta where heaven meets Earth" oil painting by errymil

in #art7 years ago (edited)

IMG_4728.JPG12 x 24 oil on canvas with embossed flower of life


This painting was inspired when we went to travel to Mt Shasta California, it was a cloudy day and snowy when we went there, luckyily it suddenly showed up on us enough to picture it and by memory and had to paint it as soon as i got home, if you also noticed it has wings and a halo just like an Angel sent from heaven here on earth. It is very mysterious and majestic in my opinion and has a very positive vibe in to it.



Here is my recent post on our travels at Mt Shasta thats pretty much sums it all https://steemit.com/travel/@errymil/trip-to-mt-shasta-travel-by-errymil

the embossed flower of life symbol, do you see it? It can't be seen much but You can feel it

IMG_4722.JPGLake Siskiyou with the "Lovely pedestrian bridge

IMG_4723.JPGreflections of Mt Shasta with very calm waters
IMG_4724.JPGthose lovely and huge Pine trees, smells really good everywhere.
IMG_4725.JPGthe Angelic spirit of Mt Shasta
Im also joining this painting to @sammosk creative competition here is a link to his post https://steemit.com/creativecomp/@sammosk/creative-competition-all-are-welcome-3-more-creativity-more-prizes_
Thank you so much for viewing my art


first I thought it was real before reading the post. They look almost real.

woooooooow.....nice u post friend
very beautiful

by @fahrullah

@errymil ~ all I can say is Thank You!!!! The energy is intensely awesome my friend. Great job as always :)

Much Love & Bright Blessings!!

Thank you my friend @reiki-trail. I appreciate it! May this painting brighten your day!🙏🏼

My pleasure -- please know that it has....your paintings always bring a smile to my face and peace within my heart <3 Thank you!

Wow, absolutely beautiful painting my friend. Talented!

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This is fantastic, I love the detail and the halo around the top of the mountain. The reflection is what amazes me the most though! BTW...

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Thank you @mk40 sure you can share my post! Appreciate it

Great! Thanks for replying so quickly!

Very good comment!

Simply beautiful. The textures are perfect.

Beautiful paintings, just beautiful!

You are welcome!

Beautiful painting, you are clearly skilled with the brush. I really love the detail of the little bridge, it really draws the eye into the painting and then the eye explores from there.


Thanks for noticing @kellyjanderson

Nicely done, @errymil. Keep it up!

loved the details that you have captured in the reflection .......10 on 10
i wish i could see snow someday,, and be inspired . by the way i posted a painting today . maybe you can take a look at it

I think this is my favorite work of yours. It is so beautiful and calm :)

Thank you so much @thetruthbomb, it is calm and even the place where it was inspired is calm as well

I hope one day I can visit that place too :)

It's amazing!
I do see the flower of life!
Very well done! :)

thank you @taraamin77. always nice to see you!

Wow I love your painting! I can definitely see this on my wall. Amazing job!

This is awesome...
Thanks for sharing
Love this work

Thank you @kenhudoy

always welcome dear..
find time to check my blog ...updated a new story..

I already did

Incredible.....really, I'm very impressed.

Thank you im glad you liked it

This looks amazing! Reminds me of Rick Ross paintings!

Good job!

Thank you @acidyo well i also got inspired by Bob Ross. I like how he made tree and mountains

Mount Shasta in Siskiyou County looks so freakin' great! I love your painting and the detailed blue bridge. What color is that? Turquoise blue? :))

A little pthalo blue and pthalo green and white. And thinner to make lines more fluent. Thank you for dropping by @pinaynomad