Silent blog from war zone: drawing hands

in #art2 years ago

Hi, guys!

So far, all my attempts to make life the way it used to be have failed. You just have time to think that everything is relatively calm, when in the morning news comes that your city was again fired with rockets, and they flew very close to you personally. If it were not for the pills that help me sleep, I would definitely hear everything, my husband heard.

Such a suspended state is not conducive to gathering thoughts together and living normally. I keep listening to audiobooks, it calms me down. My drawing course also continues, although I do not always have time to turn in assignments on time. Literally one of these days another one will begin, and then there will be twice as many tasks. Maybe this will affect my productivity, in any case, I really hope so.

While still in Vinnitsa, we got used to watching the same observer every evening. Even not so much for the sake of obtaining information, but in order to simply calm down. It's kind of like a "good night kids" program.

I've only been able to go back to one gym so far, the one that's literally next door. I have a very bad daily routine, and I physically cannot wake up for morning workouts, but I hope that soon I will be able to fix this. In any case, nothing prevents me from trying again and again.

Speaking of my drawing courses, the last topic was hands. I have not met a single artist who would tell me that mastering this part of the body was easy for him. The first sketches were like this:

