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RE: No hope so i am leaving but you can get some art for free

in #art2 years ago (edited)

Sorry. It was my mistake late in the night. C34 is selling the NFT and not you.

Pleased apologize my reaction.

Sorry for my mistake.

Enyoy this great NFT of Tyger.





😇 (🤭) 🥰 🙏

I checked it! Sorry my mistake.

Pleased apologize my post. It ist C34 who ist selling the NFT.


It was a misunderstanding. I clicked in your Gallery and the Screen showed a selling Price of 123 HIVE.

My mistake as I see now. It is C34 and Not you.


I am working 12-16 hours a day, I can not check all reactions.

I am notba Liar. I am human and Made a mistake deep in the night after Long day.

I give you some !BEER and !wine with some 100% upvotes.

All the best to you. As I Said, my mistake when I Start falling in sleep after midnight.

I take back my words. You are not a liar.

(I said that confused by my anger).

I didn't know how to put myself in your place.
I never thought you would be with so many hours of work on you. It's too much, really 😬

It was an error at night due to fatigue, I apologize again.

!love 🥰

Hey @bardobrujo, here is a little bit of BEER from @indextrader24 for you. Enjoy it!

Did you know that you can use BEER at dCity game to **buy dCity NFT cards** to rule the world.