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RE: How The F..K Do I Make Living As An Artist??? Confession Of A Mad Man

in #art6 years ago

may work for you, didn't work for me. I pointed out clearly that MY story will not be YOUR story. From my experience nothing new and wonderful won't ever happen unless you have the courage to let go and step in the unknown with zero certainties. That's mind's favorite game- don't go there, you gonna lose all you worked so hard for! :) (we all know that one....). Yup I agee you do not have to lose any of that, but I do think you have to let go of most of your ideas that did not provide you with the dream life. They clearly did not work, otherwise you'd be living your dream already. Anyhow, I'm happy you took your time to read my spontaneous blurb and I wish you all the best, always, to everyone. Much Love @alien.nation (from a fellow alien) ;)


Thank you.
You started your post in a way that there was no way not to read it. :)
Made me think about my dreams today and I am thankful for that.
Cheers from an alien to an alien :)

Without aliens we’d be f...d anyways haha 😂