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RE: The image is made of own imagination and thoughts

in #art5 years ago

You decide what place to be in STEEMIT.

There was a large pond called STEEMIT many lived there happy, every day many fish were born that with their magic keys entered a wonderful world of fun, knowledge and prosperity.
Some day some changes came to the pond and many of the inhabitants disagreed with what was happening, others supported the changes and happily accepted the transformation.
But this division of decisions among the inhabitants of the pond made coexistence very unstable.
That is why one day the king of the pond summoned all the inhabitants of STEEMIT to make a decision, in front of them was a fork that divided the pond in two, each fish was free to decide which path to take.
It was inevitable the pond was divided in two But with a united end where anyone change their course.


Steemit was transformed there was a lower road, full of green water, where the fish resisted changing, full of anger and rage I didn't want to produce anymore.
But at the top a pond full of life, color, exciting labyrinths, the fish became small dolphins and small whales, the fish that were already prepared became dolphins and whales that were in charge of guiding the way to the little ones, Everyone here was elated by the changes that were presented every day, joined and encouraged each other.
Steemit split but only you decide which way to go, I am at the top of the pond, sharing, enjoying and knowing. Here in STEEMIT I wait for you.


Hi @jdbs

Thanks for your great story
and with words of great importance