Pixel Art Weekly Top 3! You Choose The Winner!

in #art6 years ago

It's time to choose the winner for this round of
Pixel Art Weekly!!

This week's theme was
Anything Christmas.

The top three entries are...

(original size)


(original size)


(original size)


Great job by everyone!
Many thanks to all those who participated!
Now go vote for someone!

Voting Rules

~To cast your vote for the winner of Pixel Art Weekly, you MUST manually type the name of your favorite artist in the comments below~

Upvotes in the comments will NOT be counted!
To Help Prevent Bot Voting, Votes From Inactive Accounts May No Longer Be Counted!!

Happy Holidays


My vote goes to @lunaticmoon! :)
Nice entries from all!! :D

Waaaahh @muxidsq. Casting my vote for you, girl! All the best!

@hanbun thanks >3<.. appreciate ittt~

My vote if for @muxidsq and all the best to all three :)

@praful thx for the vote :)

Hard choice indeed in this week... I'll vote for @muxidsq, love the theme and the execution ;)

Mine favorite too!

@wackou thank you. I just love the cute concept, especially during christmasss <3

I agree with @wackou. This looks quite cute:)

Wooow you are so power ! @wackou

I have a sense that you would love my artwork!

Add me to your auto-votes on Steem Voter?

Greetings my friend,

I want to thank you immensely for your support of Steemit. You may or may not know just how much that you are changing lives for the better by upvoting our content. I am finally seeing some real benefits of being so commited to posting multiple creative blogs a day. It takes some serious effort on my part having a 40 hour a week job still. However I am very passionate about it and still post 4-5 blogs a day, and have plans to stay on track with my recent efforts. Would you be interested in supporting my content consistently by putting me on your auto vote list on : https://steemvoter.com/

Have you used Steem Voter before?

I figure you are not always able to be on Steemit and make full use of your Steem Power by upvoting posts constantly. By addingg me to your auto-vote you would be supporting high quality content that is for all people. I am slightly having trouble getting my blogs seen, I want the world to know how passionate I am.

Hope to hear from you soon, if you want to talk more closely about life you can get in touch with me here : contact.JPG

Thank you dearly for just taking the time to ready this entire email. I am a thorough communictor, I also want you to know I am saying all of this in the most geniuine of manners.

Best Regards,


I really like your posts ,, do not forget upvotes @aufa

how to join this contest

my vote goes to @lunaticmoon !~ I like the dark creepy Christmas theme here :P

This week I have to make a hard choice. All three are good and I like them very much. Two of them are new to pixel art and they did great job.
The one I like the most is darker so I vote for @lunaticmoon
Keep participating in PAW guys I would love to see more of your work. :)

I'm voting for @muxidsq

@gweern thank you thank you~

I'd have to go with @lunaticmoon this time around. I just feel it.

Although the others are cool as well, I feel @deadmosco is slightly to simple and @muxidsq's suffers from some mistakes (as I've explained to him in his own post) great work though all around from everybody.