New Alien Self Portrait /// Angles of Light for the collaborative art journey!

in #art6 years ago

It's once again time for all the artists to come out and play, @everlove has launched her call for collaboration in the 31st Collaborative art journey:



I've once again decided to do a play on self portraiture of the alien style, which for some reason always pleases me :)

I've used a photographed self portrait and made many manipulations and some digital collaging/painting. All the extra elements were taken from the very mysterious image that @everlove has provided! I always love to have a guess at what the image is, this time I think it is some metallic jewellery up close with some patterns reflecting on it? What do you think?

Image provided by @everlove:


As always this was a blast and I had a super fun time staring at this image to see what popped out at me. If you would like to join click here: Collaborative Art Journey. Many thanks to @everlove for prompting this, it's always such a pleasure to see what all the other artists decide to do with it <3


Beautiful Angel Devil Tribal Futuroid. The expression says to me, Im sorry, I love you, I have to destroy you to save you. And that is the last thing that we all saw. We all saw her. And then there was nothing.

alien meme.jpg

:D this had to become a meme!

hell yeah! that is an awesome meme!


Oh @juliakponsford!!!! I love the way you put yourself into your art! The alien-ness of it really opens the mind--especially those little horny things on your head and the wings!!! I love your imagination--it's really super fun to play with you. Thanks for sharing your creation. We're so blessed to have you with us.

I love the alien genre because it is so open to imagination, aliens are almost universally depicted as being insect like and scary I think some of them might look nice :0

You make a very beautiful alien--and I wouldn't be scared to come across you. But I suppose looks could be deceiving. What's really going on in those orbs behind you head?

wow love the art julia looks amazing thank you

With love,

harj : ) xoxo
Abstract artist
(My latest artwork is "Government")

Thank you harj much appreciated :)

Thank you! julia great to get your interpretation on my last art post called "Government" your insight would help us : )

With love,

harj : ) xoxo
Abstract artist
(My latest artwork is "Government")

I'm too shy to mess with my face in photoshop. I used to though. Used to be really good at it, but my archive CD cracked and the good times were OVER!

But you've taken up the mantle!

Haha I've subtly distorted my features so in the end I suppose it's not really me anymore but some alternate dimension version of me :p

It looks like a sculpture in aluminium, inspired by lids of bottle and turbines of plane, congratulations @juliakponsford

That seems like a good guess, thanks!

Wow that image looks so triply! Definitely a unique piece to enter, I love it :).

Thanks, trippy is my specialty!

I always thought your triple nostril was the sexiest thing about you!!!

I would agree---that unusual quirk is really attractive!

Also her hidden tentacles always turn me on ... They are really soft and agile... :P

ahahahaha---it looks like you have some horns of your own!

I am totally normal, but Julia... she's really weird :)

Oh yes @vachemorte---that's very clear!! lol

My triple nostrils are very useful for breathing in alien air ;)

You always produce the coolest artwork babe.

Thanks percy, gotta represent the ancient alien culture here on Steemit!

Nice, you must have read some of my posts 😃

Half INSECTOID half HUMAN type:)) Love this little antennas, beautiful artwork!

Yes it definitely seems like theres a bit of snail in there somewhere :) Thanks!

Super cute and creative @juliakponsford!

I can't quite make out what that original image might be either, lol.

It's always a mystery, she doesn't reveal it until the deadline :) thanks!

Is that you? I never imagined a face when thinking about you....would kill to know how you look!

Its a distorted version of me :D I put one photo up on steemit for my intro post but your computer would probably explode if you tried to scroll that far back in time!

I was wondering about the art for your profile image. Those multiple eyes give me the heebee jeebees :) It's awesome seeing what people create.

This is my current profile picture, I'm proud to have given you the heebeejeebies :


Especially the eye in your mouth----!!!!!

I always suspected Canadians came from space and now I have proof!

Shhh don't tell anyone, we're trying to keep an unassuming presence before we invade!

You're such a beautiful alien!

I need to do another one of you soon to celebrate your new achievement ❤️

I would love that thank you! <3

This is a great self portrait. I love it, such wonderful creative work:-)

Thank you kerlund, are you doing the Collaborative art journey this round?

I plan to but I'll see if I manage to create something this time. Short of time and inspiration :D

Really beautiful artwork ! Dont stop to Do it!! :)

Thank you, I don't think I can stop lol!

ohh ... you guys are so so so so very creative.. amazing self-portrait ... ❤

I love it! The extra big hair is magical, and I totally need a hat like that to wear to work! LOL.

Might get a little heavy having all that stuff on your head, only works in an anti gravity environment i think!

Whoa haha, I need to go dig my psilocybin out of the closet :) Looks super cool and trippy.

Great post tnx for sharing i just upvoted steemit all the way check out my new posts.

I like pos you,
amazing @juliakponsford 💻🖱️👍📷

The collaborative art that is very beautiful. This is very cool..

I saw this posted in the comments of the Angles of Light collaboration, which I also posted in. You just earned my follow, I love the alien feel I get from your work. Hopefully you will check out my art and follow back as well if you enjoy it.


Nice I definitely will, headed there now :)

This is amazing and inspiring! You blended the picture so uniquely into a portrait! Love it xo

Thanks I always have so much fun doing these :)

O_O speechless this is the most beautiful thing that my eyes are contemplating.