Parasitic Hands / Digital art and gifs (Mildly NSFW)

in #art5 years ago


Inspired by my Art Explosion theme PARASITE I have created some digital art and a few wiggly gifs...

Parasitic Hands


I made many variations of this one but this is my favourite of the bunch:


Wiggly symmetry


Psychedelic version


Join the contest here, it's running until Saturday: Art Explosion



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Beautiful handcreations! Love the breathy gif as well.

Thank you Carl!

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it LIVESSSS... i love how you created the breathing effect ... how u do?

I can dm you the site when I'm on desktop!

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So trippy and awesome.

Thank you :) Trippy is my favorite word...

Wow, what a crazy, creative and artistic stuff... Of course, it had to be Julia Ponsford ;-)

Thank you so much, glad you liked it!

Oh! this is great! I love the gifs I think the wavy is very good, but the last one I liked a lot more. How many layers and filters do you use? I'm afraid to do gif XD

Too many to count, I tend to put the images through an endless process of distortion and destruction until I like the result :)

Wow! I imagine, after so many adjustments you get different effects. Doesn't it happen to you that when you remove some layers something different comes out? sometimes it is good, in other occasions you put them back LOL.

Do you know which effect I liked best? The one you got with the video a few weeks ago, which was like the porn blocked from many years ago. That was great :)!

Yes for sure, it's all experimentation, sometimes you find unexpected things when you play around a bit

Yes! Fun is definitely the best part. :)

The hand stopped at your navel, Tsk. @juliakponsford
Yes they are so mesmerizing.