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RE: 🐺 Love like skulls ’n bones - Pt.2

in #art6 years ago (edited)

You got Curied!!! Congratulations! And well deserved too.

Is there a part 3?!!! Ugh, it's nice to think that they would be together, but now I wonder....

Oh man....can't believe you weaved in poor @Tamala like that...hahaha, yeah this is going to get interesting.


Right @kchitrah? Right? Jeez!

Hahaha. The both of you crack me up.

And I too am curious what a phalynx is! ROFL!

You love this guy!

I did indeed! Thank you so much!!!!

Haha I had to weave in @Tamala xD the opportunity was perfect :P

I only have one word for ya ....


Hahaha.... You two crack me up.

karma karma karmeleon?

You come and go, you come and gooooo-o-o-o .....