Oil Portrait of Edgar Cayce

in #art3 years ago


This work was painted in oil on Arches paper. Edgar Cayce lived from 1877-1945. He claimed clairvoyance and became famous for giving thousands of psychic readings. The New Age movement draws heavily on Cayce's work.

Today was long and it isn't even dark yet. I woke up too early due to power tools being used below my bedroom. Then I worked two jobs. I got everything done that I needed to, but my energy feels totally spent.

One of my jobs today got me thinking about how writing conventions change over time. This happens in both ways that I like and in ways I don't much care for. When I first learned to write, the convention was to put two spaces after each sentence. This changed several years ago, and now it's quite rare to run across someone who still double spaces their sentences. Personally, I like the new way better.

A writing convention that's changed for the worse is the recent elimination of the phrase 'is comprised of' from proper use. This phrase is useful and has a long history. But a few years ago, some academics got together and decided that 'is composed of' should be used instead. Those who decided this are idiots, Harvard educations or no. From my perspective, the term 'composed' is associated with intention to a much greater extent than the term 'comprised.' So, for circumstances when you want to describe the parts of a thing without subtly implying that said parts were intentionally assembled, 'comprised' works much better.

If I wrote a letter complaining about this trivial change to English, who would I even send it to?

On another subject, a funny thing happened today. I was showing a friend at the coffee shop my uncorrected proof of Psychic Avalanche and he tried to take the book. Even after I explained that the retail version wouldn't be available for 3-4 weeks. There was clearly no ill intent. I think he just didn't hear me despite nodding as if he'd heard me. But it was kind of funny.

Hopefully, this bodes well for the desirability of my new novel. If people are already trying to walk off with it at the coffee shop, maybe they'll buy it once it's for sale. With no marketing budget and only a modest social media following, I can only hope that my book proves so desirable.

I still have to finish going through the proof to check for errors. And my editor hasn't gotten back to me yet with the errors she's found. I'd like to have the thing ready for sale by the end of October. We'll see what actually happens.

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