Portrait of a Barista in Oil

in #art3 years ago


This portrait of a barista was done in oil on canvas. It shows my friend Ian, who used to work @caffetto.

Last night, I dreamed that I woke up in my bed and leaned over to check my phone. Someone named Salah Balitimo had texted, but I couldn't make out the contents of the message. I woke up mildly puzzled.

While I don't know anyone with that exact name, I exchanged emails with someone named something very similar at the beginning of the year. This person was the CEO of Voice. I emailed him to request that he look out for my interests as a content creator with Voice.com. He ultimately disregarded my interests and oversaw the deletion of months of my work from the platform when the company decided to pivot away from blogging to NFTs.

It's unusual for me to dream about waking up and receiving texts. So far today in waking life, I've received zero texts. It's also unusual for me to have been reminded of this tech CEO who screwed me and a bunch of other bloggers over. Before this dream, I hadn't thought about him in months. What it means is a mystery.

At the coffee shop today, I explained the importance of IPFS in NFT creation. Then I wrote an article about a new NFT character named Crypto Girl. After that, I made adjustments to my collection of WAX NFTs. So today was basically all about NFTs.

A year ago, NFTs weren't on my radar. Now, they're apparently part of my everyday life. The whole idea of digital properties being traded on computer networks may seem superfluous to some. But I find it intriguing. Compelling, even.

My own collection of WAX NFTs is called poeminshards. It features animated poem fragments over mixed media art. I'm happy with it even though no one else has shown any interest. I've also made Ethereum and Hive NFTs, but just to learn the process.

To be honest, I'd rather collect and write about NFTs than mint them myself. They're like an art form I'm unsuited for. Sort of like piano. I play terrible piano music and produce hacky NFTs. My talents lie elsewhere.

Lately, I've been thinking about my next novel. The first half has been completely rewritten three times. And now I'm not sure if I want to just start over from scratch again. Usually, I look to my dreams for answers to dilemmas like this. Yet I'm not sure the dream about the text applies.

There's a part of me that wants to write a whole novel about Rstory. A world where this token became successful might be fun to write. Still, a novel needs a story, and I'm still waiting for one to come to me. Until then, I'll probably remain stuck in creative limbo.