The trapped moth / La polilla atrapada

in #art3 years ago

Polilla bonita,
que feliz caminas,
no confíes en nadie,
quieren atraparte.

Pretty moth, how happy you walk,
trust no one, for they're out to get you.


Ella sigue de largo,
no me hace caso,
pero, la servilleta
sobre ella se avienta.

The moth is still long gone, it doesn't pay attention to me,
but the napkin is thrown over it.


La polilla es capturada,
por una servilleta mala,
quiere liberarse,
pero sola, no lo hace.

The moth is captured by a bad napkin and wants to free itself,
but alone, it will not be able to do it.


A la polilla quiero,
la ayudó sin miedo,
la libero
y se va a paso lento.

I love the moth, that's why I helped it without fear,
I set her free and she goes at a slow pace.


Créditos Margarita Palomino


Eso le pasó por desobediente ja,ja,ja, .
Cuídate mucho querida @marpa

Je je, por lo menos la mano la salvó je je