Landscape Paintings from the Beach! Original artwork by @mayasky 🎨🌊

in #art β€’ 3 years ago

Hi Everyone! πŸ˜„

Today I thought I would share some oil paintings I made from the beach, and specifically from the beaches in Portugal 🌊

I moved back to Norway last year after living in Portugal for almost 5 years. It was the right decision, but I'll always love Portugal and appreciate my time there.
Because it's raining here in Norway today and I can't wait for it to get warm enough to have a proper day at the beach these paintings made me a bit nostalgic... I felt like sharing them so here you go;

Marie Blom, Fra dynene.jpg

This painting I made a few years back. It was during my first year living in Portugal and it's from a beach I used to spend a lot of time called, Guincho.
It's a beautiful beach with huge sand dunes everywhere. I used to go for evening walks at that beach every day and even had an exhibition in Portugal with another artist where we had only painted landscapes from this beach.

Marie Blom, Sun Gazing.png

Here is another painting from the same beach, but at sunset. I love how a landscape changes so dramatically depending on the time of day, the weather, the light... It makes it possible to paint the same place 10000 x times and never get the same feel, the same scene...

Marie Blom, BΓΈlger.jpg

Another beach scene from a cloudy day... This one is called ''Waves''. Being on the tip of Europe with the Atlantic sea and winds constantly crashing against the land, Portugal is also known for it's great waves... This makes it a very popular place for surfers. πŸ™‚πŸ„

Marie Blom, Magi.jpg

This painting is called, ''The magic hour.'' That hour right after the sun has disappeared behind the horizon and the sky is full of colors and soft, dreamy light. It's such a perfect time to shot photos, film, or paint. πŸ’–


Another painting from a cloudy day. I really love this painting actually. I think it's one of my favorites that I painted.

Skjermbilde (1600).jpg

Skjermbilde (1595).jpg

Finally, here is the last painting I made in Portugal. Not just from the beach, but at all. It makes me a bit sad to look at, but I know that I'll be back in Portugal one day to paint more beautiful seascapes! πŸ’–
What this post has made me realize is that I have to paint some landscapes from the beach from Norway. Something I haven't spent much time doing before, after all there are a lot of beautiful places here as well, waiting to be painted. 😍

I hope you liked the paintings and I hope you have a wonderful day!

Lots of love,

PS; Want some tips and advice about oil paint? 🎨

Be sure to check out my online platform, the Oil Painting Journey! - A place where I share oil painting information and inspiration. Click here to learn more;

Or maybe you feel ready to take your oil painting skills to the next level?✨

If you do, then I invite you to check out my available courses, both made with the new oil painter in mind. 🎨

Click here to learn more;

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Have a great day, @mayasky