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RE: Fourth digital portrait in the new style || Does it look good enough?

in #art4 years ago

I know, it's all really confusing haha. For you as an artist, I'd say Steempeak is the best. They have the best UI/UX and visual layout. Both and Steempeak have Beta sites where the newest feature to Steem, Communities are live. So right now, for the best experience posting art, I'd say use the site.

Once there you can post in Communities like OnChainArt or OCD. OnChainArt is exclusively for visual art and OCD is a more generic Community for anything as long as it's original content.

If you post on either of these beta sites you post will still show up on the non beta sites. It's still all just one platform, only multiple interfaces to access it. Hopefully that helps :)


thanks. that helped.... i will try those next time....