Kung Fu Kitty

in #art6 years ago

Lately I have been deeply drawn to doing Kung Fu, Tai chi, and Qi Gong in the forest.

It's a powerful experience, as I feel my practice of many years start to form into something real.

I feel the warm qi energy moving through my body. I feel an energising relaxation easing my muscles and joints.

The legs have come a long way. At first shaky and brittle. There is now strength and opening growing into them.

The many styles and practices I have learned are beginning to make sense as I see the wider context.

I feel that in my life I am blessed to bring Kung Fu and qi Gong practices into people's lives - and help them to heal and energise themselves.

Kung Fu Kitty

As a representation of the beautiful energies that flow through life and through me.

As a familiar the cat walks between worlds, they have an innate awareness of the astral realm. The big cats such as Tiger and Panther raise the cat energy to even higher realms. Powerful felines equate to the mature female energy - stern and destructive, creating and destroying symoltaneously.

This is about worlds of experience and subtle energies. Refined senses represent highly attuned sensitivity.

The tiger is energy and power. He is kundalini raised and harnessed. Fire also represents raw potential and ability.

Trust in life and alignment with the force. Contending with great energies and remaining stable.

Channelling great power and distributing it wisely and skillfully.

Embodying the warrior aspect and demonstrating strength and resilience.

Perseverance through pain into beauty and freedom.


Exquisite balance in the face of great disruption.

Remaining true to the heart and the deeper yearnings

New levels of expression and authenticity

The cat persona is aloof and self satisfied. Content to pursue their own ends - cat people cares little for wordy opinions not based in experience and energy.

The bird's represent a union between predator and prey - transcending the beast nature. Wings lift us into higher realms, and remind us to take things lightly. The fiery phoenix births from their own death - endless renewal of the life force.

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Sounds like a BEAUTIFUL experience... one day I hope to try tau chi .. just haven't stumbled across the right teacher. That drawing looks like a deeply meditative experience too!!

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Perhaps when Steem goes 'lambo' I can jump across the ditch and do a class for you 😆

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