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RE: CRYPTO - Real Artistic Situations Game With NFTs! ALPHA :)

in #art2 years ago (edited)

Art is a serious war for the freedom of the mind, yet they are the mostly hilarious people in it, NFTs is more like Ape+Punk spending yacht on pixels they weren't able to anticipate (that this will be unique like the 4K other ape+punk characters), Not jealous just betrayed by money trend.

Look, who build apps without millions but some hundreds and few thousands, people like good-karma and so on... Other devs just be like let's get haped (hype/ape) by money and just appears to act like ape having paper money, yacht, and binary encrypted in computer, but wait, no, talented value bringing at least ONE NEW THING, let's say, thank you META for the rain of fake project event not running well after millions spent and thanks real gaming (not that one, well...), for your visuals graphics performance-learned programming and everything which is spent like humans not ape trowing paper money on female asses in video clip and then buying AND selling it as creepy dead-simple nft.

This app, made literally no fun of it's technology, it's a jewelry you have my mouth and my own tongue now it depends on those smart monkey and those dirty beasts (yes both of them/us) to know what we will conquer. without shame but transparency I assume my rage against the grain.