Francis Bacon (Wip) By Red Dust

in #art6 years ago

First Layer Of Color

Portrait Will Be Rendered In Art Nouveau Style

“Read not to contradict and confute; nor to believe and take for granted; nor to find talk and discourse; but to weigh and consider. Some books are to be tasted, others to be swallowed, and some few to be chewed and digested: that is, some books are to be read only in parts, others to be read, but not curiously, and some few to be read wholly, and with diligence and attention.” ― Francis Bacon,

I'm working with watercolor and gouache, ink lines will be added later in the style of Alphonse Mucha like the self portrait linked below. I usually work in the layers, base color, shadows and details, highlights and corrections. I don't want to follow the color of the painting and I will be adding additional designs to this painting that are not part of the original painting I am copying.

I post work in progress because each layer I add is like a painting in itself. I could just leave the painting as is and call it modern art! Also I want to show proof of work and how a painting progresses. There is a lot of work that goes into making pieces like this. Painting is like writing a story, there is a lot of work involved.

Lawyer, Academic, Scientist (1561–1626)

18 x 24 , Watercolor Paper, and Pencil

Half-length portrait of Francis Bacon as Lord Keeper of the Great Seal of England (1617) – oil on panel by Frans Pourbus the Younger (1569–1622).

A sketch for a watercolor portrait of Lord Francis Bacon, the father of the scientific method. At the request of @frankbacon.

Who Was Francis Bacon?

Francis Bacon was born on January 22, 1561 in London, England. Bacon served as attorney general and Lord Chancellor of England, resigning amid charges of corruption. His more valuable work was philosophical. Bacon took up Aristotelian ideas, arguing for an empirical, inductive approach, known as the scientific method, which is the foundation of modern scientific inquiry.

The Portrait will be rendered in Alphonse Mucha style!

some_text A link to My Blog



Great progress and it looks fantastic!
Highly rEsteemed!

So appreciative of your talent @reddust. TY!


People like you inspire me, thank you for believing in me @frankbacon <3

Very well made dear red

It must be share the art Thursday! I just shared some of mine in a post a few minutes ago. I recently found that I enjoy painting with actual paint and not in a digital or other medium. I like your project.

I just read your blog, creating art together is a wonderful bonding experience. I create art with my grandchildren and we have created a strong bond through our love of art.

Than you for your read. Art is one of our universal languages, speaks to the heart for sure.

I really admire you putting up this piece of art layer by layer.. A painting is not created out of thin air. It manifests in the artist's first touch of the blank canvas and evolve from there onwards, in each step of it creating a novel art which has its own beauty and truth..

the progress likened to having a baby, inception is a blast, first couple months deals with puking, the middle part is boring and you power your way through, the last part of pregnancy holds the thrill of holding the baby and the horrible pain of pushing it out! Thank you @thanya!

Working in an obstetrics ward, I know exactly how you feel. There couldn't have been a better metaphor!

Wow very Beautifull and Good Work 😍
I think you are great artist in thia steemit platform .😊

what a creativity!!!!!!!!!!!lol

Thank you @steemibu351

your post is always so good i always follow your blog @reddust

And finally, I lived to see the #Bacon plate with your hands @reddust

This painting will not be vegan approved.

It's a fantastic painting, especially it's for #Bacon ...
thank you @reddust for sharing with us <3

Awesome @reddust ! This is another very creatively thought up artwork.
Keep it up you did some really genius and
I am wait to see your next post.


Thank you @robert31

welcome to @reddust ,, i pray for you and pray your great thoughts in art of luck.
stay blessed

I'm currently practising, maybe one day I'll challenge you for a painting contest! Ha!

We can do collaborative art, I don't do competitions that well...hehe I can't wait @yann.

What I predicted before is going to be true! Now it's building and I assure this painting will beat the original painting as well! Amazing artwork my dear friend!


I have no clue how this one will turn out. Working on this piece feels like walking in a dark room with no light....hahaha

Thank you @theguruasia.

Don't forget you got the lamp on hand! Concentration you got it very well! I know the outcome :D


You should definitely post work in progress pics! I love seeing the transformation happen! Plus, it is always helpful to see how you handle each layer.
It's looking great! What parts did you use the gouache on?

I used titanium white gouache mixed with watercolor for the background, face, and the coat one I’m done with the cloth details. I love posting progress pictures because I love the process of painting, thank you @artistchristian.

You know, I've never done that (mixed gouache with watercolor) but I think that makes so much sense. Does it basically minimize the number of washes you may need to do in order to instantly get that "darker" layer in one wash? I love the color of the red, it looks great!

Yes, mixing watercolor with an opaque gouache cuts down on the bleeding look as well. I mean I like the way the wash travels and develops patterns on the paper. Cheap paper is the worst for uneven color application. I am working with cheap paper, that's when I use gouache with my washes.

I love gouache when working with details as well. When I look at you older pieces I see you are really good at watercolor so you know what I am talking about.

I know, cheap paper really sucks sometimes! But the really nice Arches paper is so expensive! It definitely makes a difference though! I am seriously going to get some gouache next time i'm at the art store because this technique you use is great!
There is nothing more frustrating than doing a technically accurate wash but you still get splotches to show up because of the paper, sigh.
edit: I also try to never touch the front of the paper with my fingers because I think sometimes the oil will leave your fingers and end up on the paper and it will also leave some marks. This is especially true with the dry brush technique I use, you can NEVER touch the paper with your finger tips or the oil paint will all gather on the spots your fingers touched the paper.

I use a towel over my dray area of paper when working, I tend to get my finger prints all over the place. I’m going to check out eBay and see if I can find some deals on 300lb hotpress, it’s the best for fine details.

I have yet to work in 300lb hot press, because it is so expensive at my local art store, but I would love to; I feel like the thicker the paper the better! Is ebay the place you've found to have the best paper deals?

Superb work red, you get better and better. I've always kind of believed the theory that Shakespeare was actually Francis Bacon. Like an alter ego perhaps.

I’ve kinda believed Shakespeare was a bunch of authors that talked in code through his writings lolol

I used to work in stratford upon avon, where he came from, strange town, i think much the same, the man behind was many characters, his writings do seem to be coded messages, i think he was also part of the establishment for sure, in the same way John Dee was.

Exactly! I wish I could find out more behind the secret codes written into Shakespeare's writings. Maybe I do a search on the net and see what I come up with. I hadn't thought about this for years!

Well i've been in his house on the grand tour and i was looking for clues but the people that work at his house just tell the story we were told at school and it seems corporatized in a way with the company running it, i was really put off by that whole tour thing. When i was in his little house, i questioned in my mind everything they were telling me and even if this truly was where he lived. I mean, who is this guy? i also remember hearing that he (bacon) helped do the king james version of bible. Most rastas i've known, believe the king james version to be a scam written/edited by the colonizers. rabbit hole is to deep for me red lol.

King James bible was written to control the believers, that's what I heard too! Yeah I fell down that rabbit hole a long time ago and I am still trying to get out :P

Edit....I didn't know Bacon helped redact the King James bible...something more to research...

Damn, Jesus threw those money cockroaches out of the temple and when he wasn't looking they infested the temples again!

Yes, i have the feeling too it was written to control people, just look into what the rastafarians think about king james bible, kinda always rang true to me, always been more with the rastas philosophy but i'm biased to an extent because i grew up on their music. Yes, i'm not sure if the bacon king james bible thing is true, but my gut tells me he was involved. Many workers for the queen bee and her evil empire.. h g wells, john dee, darwin, huxley family, and the guy that does the nature programs that everyone loves, David attenborough, works for the crown, he's a straight up darwinist. Everyone in briton is bowing to the royal crime syndicate just by watching TV.

This looks really great wow i hope someday i get that good

Thank you @steemitwarrior, don’t compare, you are young and just learning your craft...I’m old and have been practicing a long time. And I’m still learning😁

wow its a great art..... i hope you are of luck for you

Thank you @alex-linda

welcome for you

great style @reddust

Looking great!! And such a great quote from Francis Bacon

I think you are like me, a lover of books from an early age. I didn't know anything about Lord Bacon until @frankbacon asked me to do a portrait for him. I like to research the subject and I am surprised how much like Lord Bacon and what a survivor he had to be to get anywhere in his society. He really was an amazing person.

I won't work on the piece until this coming Monday. I have writing projects and reports all weekend. This will give me time to think about which way to take this piece. I am staring at it right now as it sits across the room from my writing station. Thank you @natureofbeing!

Wow" Drawing my dear friend @reddust & thank you so much for sharing with us. have a niced day.

Thank you @shahin

you are most welcome :)

You know what @reddust you are Artiste

Great work! My last post looks like yours - I tried to copy Picasso :-)

Oh, absolutely wonderful painting from work to work there is a difference and increase your talent in evolution
Beautiful painting for Francis Bacon really a greate drawings...looking awesome..i read the all of your drawing posts really you have a amazing drawing skills...thank you for sharing with us...

When you get done, will you please make a separate post showing the progress with the paint layers side-by-side? I noticed this one the other day, just saw layer 2 and had to come back for another look. It's really transforming nicely!

Fabulous art work and Outstanding painting work. Nice color mixing.

upvoted // resteem

hey @reddust what i am seeing on your post that the 12 coments and only 7 upvote someone want to spaming here only for rewards
and your aret work with water colors is really best always and you make this art also perfect you have some magic in your hands of art work

Very nice blog. I just upvoted and followed you. Do same for me thanks

@reddust thank you greet very beautiful Such a great article & nice photography

picture perfect.
there are things I want to say. I am waiting for you in discord

Awesome art dear friend @reddust really very nice friend..i like your design.thnx for share this art with us.

Oh I can't wait to see the finished piece, although I like it as it is now too, very Pop art. I love that you are taking an older traditional portrait and will render in ars nouveau style, can't wait.

I truly appreciate the artistry for which you do this. I once did water color and it is a challenge. Your Talent shows and educating us on the update helps us to understand the effort you put into the paintings within the painting. Again thanks.

great just carry on.....i hope you must be of luck....

Great art, congratulations! waiting for next posts..

When I look at your works I am mesmerized. They will be almost identical!
Is it possible to paint like that? Amazing!

wal i will just say this is so amazing i loved it . wall you alwasy bring something great with you loved it

Great!!!!! You invent new arts in the art.That is your talent

it's an awesome article.. loving it

i'm new to steem, can you follow me , need you help here

wow you are making new avenues in this field..and it is nice to see how a painting is like a meditation..single lines join themselves to form a beautiful picture at the end :) it is the magic

Wow this is really great work @reddust amazing it is looking :D

Great Words to live by!!!!

I like your take on changing the hat color like that! Makes it pop a lot more :).

More to come with the 🎩 lolo

Amazing work! Can't wait to see the final piece.