My Name Is Tyme

in #art3 years ago (edited)

11 x 14 inches, mixed media paper, watercolor, gouach, pen, and ink.

I drew this picture for my Granddaughter when she was six years old. My husband and I were staying with my daughter during a custody battle. Art helped all of us deal with the stress, including my daughter and my grandson. My Granddaughter liked working with me, so we would hang out with each other, working on our art.

Time flows differently for me depending on how I am concentrating. Time was the theme behind a series of illustrations using E, my granddaughter, as a model. A timewarp would suck us into dark moods. Time would disappear using art as an escape hatch, and we could laugh and play together without thinking about things out of our control.

The story goes, Tyme was a little girl around six years old who loved to play all day long. She didn't like chores and had a very messy room, and loved to daydream. Her favorite color is pink, and she has a red-hot temper. She has gray eyes that can change to blue or green depending on her emotions. Watch out when her eyes go green. Things will start flying! Her hair is flaming red like her Father's mother and her Mothers' Father. Tyme has a unique talent, and she can pass through time.

Tyme liked to visit her mothers, mother, grandmother Reddust when she was a child. Reddust parents thought she had an imaginary friend and didn't make a big deal of the relationship. At the time, Reddust didn't know her friend was her Granddaughter. She was grateful for a friend because she was locked away in her bedroom by her evil stepfather. She was allowed to go out to go to school, eat dinner, and clean the kitchen. Her friend Tyme would climb the tree outside her bedroom window and knock to let her in. Reddust and Tyme would have a wonderful time reading books together and drawing pictures.

Tyme noticed an owl watching her from a tree next to her bedroom window. She didn't think much of it at the time. The owl's name was Sid, and he was one of the guardians of time that looked for people who could escape times prison. Most people don't know that linear time is a construct. It is not real. Evil demons developed linear time and clocks to keep the human race enslaved and too busy keeping time to notice they were slaves. The demons who lived in an alternative realm could not visit the mortal realm because their emotions were too coarse. But they could influence humans through a surrogate like Sid.

One night while traveling back in time to visit her grandmother Tyme saw an owl through the ether's fractals and was drawn to the owl against her will. The owl bound her with fear and flew back with her to his home in an old clock tower. He locked her up so she couldn't help humanity wake up to their self-caused slavery. People don't know you don't have to be a prisoner of time. All you have to do is change your mind.

Humans do not know how special they are. They can travel throughout the realms from the coarse to the subtlest energies and move beyond things. Our bodies and thoughts are things, and they are dependent on other things to be what they are. To move beyond the realm of things, one must intuit what is not a thing. Tyme had the potential to intuit this, and she must not be allowed to share her intuitions with the human race.

I will post the next painting in this series and the next chapter after figuring out what the next chapter will be. I wrote this on the fly from my old notes. I am not a writer, but I make up stories when I paint.

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You granddaughter seems like very cheering, freedom and angle too, girls should get lot of freedom from its family to grwo up a better way. She is very delightful in your art and very similar to you, thus make both of you in a good relationship.

E is stubborn and moody with a temper, which goes with the red hair gene. I'm teaching her how to use these energies proactively. Transforming the heavy energy into light. That's why older people live so long; we are here to help young people discover themselves and learn to ride life ups and downs. Thank you 🙏

I remember this person, but with an owl and a clock, and lots of black.

Tyme reminded me of Jenny Everywhere.
She shifts in between dimensions and times.
She is free to use in any fictional work, as she exists everywhere.


Maybe Tyme will meet up with Jenny Everywhere on her travels once she escapes from the evil owl. I'll check her out and the storyline. I'm going to take advantage of the Hives teaching community to improve my writing and storytelling skills this summer when it gets too hot to work outside. Thank you 😘🤗

Hey! I have not seen you in a while! Missed your beautiful art. Take a look at my other blogs @secondmedicalop and @ikservices

I'll check out your other blogs, I'm happy we could connect again. Thank you 🙏🌱

You have a very good granddaughter, seems like you and mach each other with work and passion. You have describe about her with lots of sign and characteristics, wish she will be good human being with better personality.

We have had to struggle with identity because society wants to tell people who they are rather than help people expire themselves and learn how to learn. With art, I can teach her how to learn and explore who she is without bias. Thank you 💩

Great drawing of your grand daughter.

I took a video of her jumping; she got frustrated with me making her jump repeatedly while I laughed at her 😂😂🤗 E is now 11 and working on figuring out who she is; I'm honored to be part of her experience. Thank you 🤗

Deep. The details between the lines, the direction that it is taking : Deep 🙂
Curious to see the following part, I really enjoyed it.

I know what to write, but it is hard to get the feelings through my fingers and transform them into words. I've struggled with writing all my life. Painting pictures is easier when telling a story. If it rains again and I can't work on my gardens, I will write out the next chapter this weekend. If the weather is good, you might not see me until Monday. hahaha