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RE: Does Being Creative Depend on Having a Space?

in #art6 years ago

Oh dear, the adventures you've had! To plan your life, give up your home and studio, and to arrive at a place where you simply weren't really 'welcome' anymore...

I totally recognize the thoughts about 'space'. I need a space but can't really create it at home and can't really afford it elsewhere. Still I know I need it since some creative urges are bubbling but I can't really let them free.

Even with creativity that I don't need a space for, like my photography, sometimes it works in one place and it doesn't in the other. I can't force inspiration, and some spaces I feel more observed as you mention, some cities house people that are aware of a camera easily, and I'm not able to produce.

So yes - I think space is a huge influence on creativity, and we need a space to be our best selves as artists.

Curious to hear about the current space you occupy creatively <3


thanks for your comment @soyrosa! I had no idea you didn't have a creative space! You work miracles without it :-)
So true that inspiration can't be forced and different mediums need different kinds of spaces and headspaces!!

Interestingly the only creative work I succeeded with during this time was photography. I took some of my best photos of the places we visited, I'll post them soon.