Be Were color final

in #art6 years ago

Wanted to post this one today.I think when I make my first digital collectible it may be this one.

I had posted the pencil version of this previously but now colored it in corel painter then just a few things in procreate.

Whats odd about these things is man is there a big difference depending on what screen you view it on. I switch it between 4 different screens I have and it looks massively different on 2 and slightly diff on other 2 lol



I hate how artwork can change drastically depending on what monitor you're viewing it from. I find that my tablet monitor has a higher contrast than my laptop screen, so viewing it on both always makes me questions my color choices XD

This came out great! Love the atmosphere.

Thanks! I have been working a lot lately on "atmosphere" in the art and giving it some sort of feel.

Took a day off yesterday and almost missed this one!

What I particularly love about your work is the effort you seem to invest in it. This can't just be about the money. I'll take a look with a bigger screen later... You've already given me a spoiler though

Thanks for noticing the effort, this one took a long time!

It does look different on bigger screens. The smaller screens look werewolf like while it looks more like beastiboy using a tablet

This is dope... you really set the mood with that lighting. Feels like this guy is just itching to jump off the screen and claw my face off haha, legit art homie!!!

Thanks dude and appreciate it, your art is always bad ass so i like when fellow artists comment.

My husband says it has my nails lol guess he is telling me to trim my finger nails..

You have outdone yourself again.

I find the same thing. I have about four monitors I switch back and forth from and each has a different colouring. My main colour choices and digital paint mixes I always do on my wacom tablet and figure that is the pure and true palette and then whatever I see on the others I think, "well, such is digital life!"

This really turned out amazing. I love the glow of the claw and the diagonal from the claw to the moon. Wonderful, really just cool.

Glad im not the only one. I hate when things have to get printed as well lol

ohh! this is good!!! What softwares do you use? :D

PS: I also draw hehhehee you can check my blogs if you want :D

Thank yo, Corel Painter is mostly what I use.

The details of the reflection of the lighting have enchanted me, good one. What impresses me most are those huge claws he has! It looks very deadly, but quite well done.

Thanks had lots of fun with the claws.

How long their claws are! It's a werewolf a little different than normal xD but if it really looks great I love

Great digital painting! I'm looking at it on a calibrated screen and it seems to me that the highlights are a little dull. In my experience this often comes from drawing on a tablet - those are often way too bright. Different screens can be a problem indeed, still you did an awesome job!

Thanks for the feedback i appreciate it. Yea I am pretty sure thats the case on my tablet amping it up. Glad you like!

please upvote my post boss .... i beg


Hahahahaha that's the second time am seeing him today. 3rd times the charm before you get flagged buddy

Come on steemitadventure he just wants a downvote. LOL

Well, you are their 'boss' apparently, so you have the right to say no ;)

No no! Bad dog!

You got a 32.25% upvote from @ocdb courtesy of @steemitadventure!

This looks real... And it's full moon... Boom