A Collage A Day Keeps the Blues Away

in #art2 years ago

Ever since I found and joined the LMAC community I have become semi-obsessed with making collages! It is really very relaxing to put random pictures into a background. I'm going to be posting a collage a day. I would love it if others followed. I'm going to see what my ideas are for seven days and then I will do a collage specific to that style. Today I am posting a Dr. Who collage so I guess I'll call Tuesday tribute day.


(Wednesday through Monday - TBD)

who collage.jpg
The Tardis, swirl, and background were all found on https://pixabay.com/. The weeping angel and daleks images were saved by me long ago and I couldn't begin to tell you from where.
Let me say one more time: I would really love it if others would join in making a Daily Collage just for the fun of it. Tomorrow I'm doing a PRIDE collage if anyone wants a heads up. Thank You.